ES6 vs ES5

Amanda Steckler
Frontend Weekly
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017

It was only recently that I realized how convenient ES6 made my learning of JavaScript. I had taught myself a little bit of JavaScript a year or two ago, so learning ES6 threw me off a little bit at first in terms of small technicalities and a bit of abstraction. But it really does give you more control over your code.

Here are some key differences that I wanted to summarize (shoutout to

  • const: ES6 allows for ‘immutable’ variables — before const you could not make your variables non-reassignable without the help of object properties.
  • block-scoped variables: No hoisting these! These variables stay safe and sound in their scope.
  • arrow functions: These are like JavaScript candy. It looks clean, I’ve found there’s less room for syntax error (at least in the cases I’ve used them), and implicit returns.
  • default parameter values: You know how you can declare default values for a function’s parameters in Ruby by doing this: def a_function(x=1, y=2) ? Well, now you can do that in JavaScript.
  • spread operator: This one is great. You can call multiple elements as either their literal elements, or as function parameters. I think of it as a variable that stores multiple elements in a specific order.
  • string interpolation: 😱 Super. Useful.
  • class definition: You can simply declare classes now (along with a constructor, similar to initialize in Ruby classes). In ES5, you had to set a variable equal to a function and define the class that way.
  • class inheritance: A useful tool that allows you to inherit properties from another object/module/class, with the simple word “extends.” The code you had to write in ES5 in order to do this was much more clunky.
  • for-of operator: This came in handy recently for me. You can basically say ‘for (let x of range) { if (x > range) break *INSERT NEXT LINES OF CODE HERE }.’ Being able to use break in a loop like that is what was useful for me.
  • Object.assign: A function that merges objects. An ES5 equivalent could be creating a new object, and then iterating through multiple other objects and assigning their contents to the new object.
  • Promises — resolve/reject/.then: Promises became less clunky too. The resolve/reject feature is pretty cool (resolve = do this when the promise is resolved, reject = do this if there is an error and the function is rejected). Plus there’s ‘.then’ — this is saying ‘when you’re done and have all the information you need, then do this.’ This allows you to not have to pass in a parameter to the function that takes care of what happens when the promise has been fulfilled.
  • Date-time formatting: A basic but very useful feature.

These are all features that have come in handy for me when using JavaScript. Well played, ES6.

