From Vuetify to tailwind

Cedric Nicoloso
Frontend Weekly
Published in
6 min readApr 26, 2020


From Vuetify to nothing to tailwind

I recently decided to work again on an old side-project of mine: “Ages and Birthdays”, which helps me track friends and family birthdays.

One of the project dependencies was Vuetify v1.0. Moving to Vuetify v2 went relatively smoothly 👍. (Latest version v2.2 at the time of writing)

  • BUT looking at this freshly updated version, I was still a bit disappointed by all the custom CSS rules I had to make my app look like what I wanted to. For example I had some dirty unscoped style blocks and /deep/ selectors here and there in order to customise the look of some input tags which are in fact hidden behind Vuetify components: v-text-field, v-chip, etc.

Here comes tailwind

I’ve been using tailwind in other little projects and always have been happy with it.

Plus I recently came across a discussion that helped me make my mind: “Looking for a CSS framework that I don’t have to fight”.

Make the switch

