From vuex to pinia

Cedric Nicoloso
Frontend Weekly
Published in
6 min readApr 27, 2023


I will mostly talk about why and how my team and I made the switch from vuex to pinia.

I will not describe in detail:
- what pinia is,
- how it compares to vuex,
- how to migrate a vuex store module to a pinia store.

Feel free to check the pinia docs “Comparison with vuex” or this post from Mariappan:

My team and its project

Our codebase is about 2 years old, still on Vue 2 (v2.7), using Options API, mostly written in JavaScript, and with 2–3 developers full time on it.
Before starting our transition to pinia, we had 15 vuex modules.
So I’d say it’s not a huge project, but not small either.

About 6 months ago, we started to write more and more TypeScript code, especially for all files other than components (models, actions, services…) thanks to Vite and esbuild transpiling everything for you in a transparent way.

