FrontEnd vs. BackEnd vs. Full Stack Development: Who’s The Winner?

Emma Jhonson
Frontend Weekly
Published in
9 min readMay 18, 2022

FrontEnd vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack Development: Which one is the best? If you’re into web development, at some point, you’ve probably heard your friends or colleagues discussing the advantages of either front-end, back-end, or full-stack development.

Maybe they even tried to convince you to join their side and participate in the debate. But what do these terms mean? Are some of them more valuable than others in today’s tech world?

This article will help you understand the difference between front-end, back-end, and full-stack development to determine which one will be best for the software development project you have in mind.

What is Front-End Development?

Image Source: Borealis Watch Forum

Front-end development deals with anything to do with your website or application that a user can see. This includes HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files sent from a server to a browser when someone visits your site. Front-end developers are involved in creating beautiful code and implementing it on a page.

Some of these files include forms, buttons, text boxes, photos, and other elements that users can see and interact with. If you plan to start a new business, you should hire a front-end developer to get incredible results in less time.

Pros and Cons of Front-End Development

The pointers stated below will help you know the advantages and disadvantages of using Front-End in web application development.


Speedy Development: Front-end development is generally quicker than back-end or full-stack development. This is because there are fewer files to work with, and the code is usually much more straightforward.

Simpler Code: Front-end code is generally much more superficial than back-end code. It is easier to learn and get started with front-end development if you are new to coding.

User-driven Outcomes: Front-end development is about creating outcomes driven by user needs and wants. You can create a more user-friendly experience by focusing on the front end.


Security Risks: Front-end development can be less secure than back-end development as it is easier for hackers to access front-end code.

Less Scalable: Front-end development is also less scalable than back-end or full-stack development. It can be more challenging to add new features or functionality to your website or application as you grow.

If you are confused about front-end development or have issues with using front-end technologies, hire a front-end developer from the best software development company. It will help you out get beneficial outcomes in a limited period.

What is Back-End Development?

Back-end can refer to any functionality located on a website or application that runs or handles data. For example, a WordPress site comprises two main things; a front-end and a back-end. When you compose content for your website, you are working on WordPress’s front-end.

However, there is always another part; a database that stores data related to what users have done on-site. It is where WordPress’s back-end comes into play; it processes all of your content and allows visitors to view their information on any device they wish — so long as they’re logged in.

Pros and Cons of using Back-end development

Before deciding on Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack, firstly, here view the pros and cons of using the Back-end in web development.


Security: Back-end development is more secure than front-end development as it is not as easy for hackers to access back-end code.

Scalability: Back-end development is also more scalable than front-end development. It is easier to add new features or functionality to your website or application as you grow.

Data Management: Back-end development is all about managing data. This means that you can create a more efficient way to store and retrieve data for your website or application.


Complexity: Back-end development can be more complex than front-end development as there are more files to work with, and the code is usually much more complicated.

Requires More Skills: Back-end development also requires more skills than front-end development. It can be more difficult to learn and get started with back-end development if you are new to coding.

Connect with the back-end development company to hire back-end web developers. By doing so, you will be able to create an error-free website matching the client’s needs.

What is Full-Stack?

Image Source: Radixweb

Full Stack development is a blend of both front-end and back-end work. It’s an approach to web application development that has become increasingly popular in recent years.

It’s not uncommon for full-stack developers to also have experience in other aspects of web app creation, including database design, server configuration, and user interface design. A full-stack developer is expected to be well-versed in all aspects of a project from start to finish.

Pros and Cons of Full Stack Development

The pointers explained below will help you know how Full Stack development can benefit you in web development.


Increased Development Efficiency: Full-stack development can be more efficient than front-end or back-end development as it allows you to work on both the front-end and back-end of a project simultaneously.

More Code Reuse: Full-stack development also allows for more code reuse. This means that you can use the same code for both the front-end and back-end of a project, saving time and money.

High Performance: Full-stack development can also lead to high performance as it allows you to optimize both the front-end & back-end of your website or application.


Require More Skills: Full-stack development requires more skills than front-end or back-end development. This means that it can be more challenging to learn and get started with full-stack development if you are new to coding.

More Complexity: Full-stack development can also be more complex than front-end or back-end development as there are more files to work with, and the code is usually much more complicated.

If you don’t know about front-end development, then don’t worry and simply Hire Full Stack Developers from one of the reliable full-stack software development companies. This will help you get your website developed by professionals who have expertise in both back-end and front-end development.

Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack Comparison Table

The table stated below can help you know who will win the Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack battle.

Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack: Which One Is Best?

Image Source: HyperinonDev

Here are various parameters that will let you know which one is best among Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full-Stack.

  1. High Performance

If you are scrutinizing for high performance, then the full-stack is best. This is because it has all layers of a web application, making your website faster and more efficient. It also allows you to scale effortlessly.

However, if you want a simple website with limited features, front-end or back-end development would be perfect.

2. Scalability

For scalability, full-stack is a good option. You can effortlessly add or remove modules without having to worry about maintaining consistency across all layers of your application. But for smaller projects, front-end or back-end development would be a better choice.

This is because you will have to spend time understanding multiple languages and frameworks instead of just one language and one framework. So if you intend on creating a small website with limited features, then it’s best to go for front-end or back-end development rather than full-stack development.

3. Ease of use

This is one parameter where front-end development beats back-end and full-stack development. Front-end development is easy to learn and use as it only requires HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge.

But for back-end and full-stack development, you need to know several languages like PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails, etc. Hence if you are looking for ease of use in terms of simplicity, the front-end is best suited for you.

4. Custom Development

If you are looking for custom development, the front-end is best suited for you. With front-end development, you can build a website without any knowledge of back-end or full-stack development.

However, if you want to develop a fully functional application, then it’s best to go for full-stack development as it has all layers of your application. You should also know multiple languages and frameworks for back-end and full-stack development, which makes it difficult to customize your application as per your needs.

5. Easy To Upgrade

Upgrading your website is accessible with front-end development. You can efficiently upgrade your website by adding new features to it.

However, upgrading back-end and full-stack websites are complex as you will have to change all layers of your application and make sure that there are no bugs in any layer of your application.

Hence if you want an easy way of upgrading, then go for front-end development rather than back-end or full-stack development.

6. Non-Coding Capabilities

Front-end is best suited for non-coding capabilities as it requires no coding knowledge. However, with back-end and full-stack development, you will have to know different languages like PHP, Python, etc., which can sometimes be a hassle.

7. Quick and Reactive Features

If you want to develop a website with quick and reactive features, then front-end development is best suited for you. Front-end development uses JavaScript, which makes your website more responsive.

However, if you want to develop a website with more complex features, then back-end or full-stack development would be better as it has all layers of your application.

So these are some of the parameters that will help you decide which one is best for you among Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack development. If you are still baffled, then it’s best to consult with a web development company as they will guide you in making the best decision.

Final Words

So in this article, you must have found a few parameters which you should consider while choosing between Front-End vs. Back-End vs. Full Stack development. Depending on your necessities, you can pick any one of these options.

If you want a high-performing website, then go for full-stack development; if you want an easy-to-use website, then go for front-end development and if you want a website with custom development, then go for back-end development.

Moreover, suppose you have chosen one from Front-End, Back-End, or Full-Stack development for your website. In that case, you should also consider taking help from a back-end developer, front-end developer, or full-stack developer, as they can help you create a better website.

Hope this article was helpful to you. Do let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. Thanks for reading! :)



Emma Jhonson
Frontend Weekly

I am a technical expert, a passionate writer, and a seasoned IT professional for the last 5 years at