iOS Programming Languages: Advanced Techniques for iOS App Development

A Smith
Frontend Weekly
Published in
9 min readFeb 22, 2024

The tech industry has witnessed an increasing growth pace of innovation and revolution, affecting every segment of the industry. Consequently, the iOS Programming Language is among the myriad innovations witnessed in the tech industry.

In light of this, the succeeding lines of this piece will take you deeper into learning how to leverage advanced mechanisms to build your iOS apps. Other critical areas, such as iOS coding, programming languages, etc., will also be delved into.


  • What iOS Programming Language Is All About
  • Benefits of Leveraging Advanced Techniques for iOS App Development
  • Top 6 Best Programming Languages for Developing Native iOS Apps
  • What to Consider Before Launching Out
  • Conclusion

What iOS Programming Language is all About

Before delving into the core subject of the topic, it is imperative to begin with a piece of background information, as this will ensure you seamlessly transit as we unveil all we have ready for you in this post.

What are iOS Programming Languages?

iOS programming languages are mostly used to develop operating systems for Apple, Inc. products.

This means all products manufactured and supported by Apple use iOS programming. In another vein, iOS programming could also be referred to as the process of building a mobile operating system for such products as iPhones, iPads, iWatch, etc. In essence, it involves creating, designing, testing, and publishing applications on the iOS platform.

Although there are several iOS programming languages for app development, Swift acts as the most advanced and effective programming language for iOS app development.

Meanwhile, the use of Swift does not in any way downplay the impact and efficacies of other programming languages as they also excel in this regard. For instance, Objective-C is still used by several users across the world when dealing with legacy codebases or iOS projects.

The ability to utilize the two languages in whatever way possible to aid productivity is the leverage for users.

At this juncture, we hope you have been able to get a glimpse of what the iOS Programming Language is all about. Now, let us dive steadily into the core of this topic by unveiling the benefits of leveraging advanced techniques for iOS app development in the succeeding lines.

Benefits of Leveraging Advanced Techniques for iOS App Development

1. Market Penetration

Recognized as the most valuable brand in the world with an increasing brand value growth by 74% — from 219 billion USD to 517 billion USD, the unequal power of the Apple brand thus avails developers and stakeholders the opportunity to penetrate the market of developed countries, taking every market with a disruptive approach.

2. Data and Privacy Control

With such advanced and secure tools as app tracking transparency (ATT) and privacy nutrition labels to interact with your data privately, iOS app development takes data and privacy control to the next level.

Additionally, ATT company reassures users of their exclusive control of personal data. The presence of this benefit allows users to determine what type of data they share as well as choose what application can track their virtual activities.

On the other hand, however, nutrition privacy aids transparency in data management as it ensures app developers disclose the category and purpose of all data gathered.

3. Advanced Accessibility Features

The incorporation of multiple accessibility features such as VoiceOver (a screen reading feature), Dynamic Type (a font-size changing feature), Assistive Touch (used for gesturing by users with motor disability), et cetera make your iOS-developed apps accessible to everyone, regardless of the strata their health falls into.

Moreover, not only will these advanced accessibility features expand your users’ database, but they will also influence you in developing an iOS app that is robust and user-friendly for all.

4. Opportunity to Monetize

There are multiple streams you can leverage to generate your revenue and monetize your iOS app. These include streams such as subscriptions, advertisements, and in-app purchases, amongst others. These streams can be leveraged and help boost your revenue and income goals as a business owner or entrepreneur.

5. Competitive Advantage

A robust and developed iOS app can set your brand for uniqueness and product differentiation. Thus giving you, as the developer and owner, the platform and leverage to enjoy and maximize competitive advantage over your competitors.

6. Leveraging Apple’s Prestige

Getting an app accepted into the App Store requires a relatively complex task in that only tested apps are approved to be uploaded to the App Store. This phenomenon has been established and known in the mind of every iPhone user; as such, when they come across any app on the App Store, they already believe that it must be worth the time and money.

7. Safe Payment

An iOS programming language avails users a safe and end-to-end encrypted platform to transact deals without having to think of threats such as phishing, hacking, or any other cyberattacks.

Top 6 Best Programming Languages for Developing Native iOS Apps

Despite the proliferation of apps published on the App Store, amounting to millions of published apps on the platform every year, to successfully achieve publishing on the App Store platform as a developer is relatively complex.

Additionally, more attention and focus have to be given to first language selection, specific checklists, and other rudiments that are essential for iOS developers to observe when building their respective apps.

It is imperative to note that there are several top popular programming languages that users can use, as depicted in the infographic below; however, while some of these languages are compatible with the iOS operating system, some of them are not. If you’re looking to hire iOS app developer in India, it’s important to consider these factors to ensure the success of your project.

As such, the following sentences highlight the top 6 best programming languages for developing native iOS apps.

1. Swift

Swift is one of the most widely used programming languages for creating operating systems for Apple devices, including iOS, iPads, iWatch, macOS, itvOS, etc. Swift has components that are user-friendly and contemporary.

Swift creates a safe and well-secure software in which Swift code is converted into machine code by the high-speed LLVM compiler tech to explore current hardware fully.


  • Code is robust, flexible, and easy to use
  • Seamless functioning and output of values
  • Uses Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) for auto deletion of redundant programming instances
  • Swift in deleting programming mistakes

2. Objective-C

Recognized as one of the best iOS programming languages, Objective-C was built by a company operating under the name Objective Computing Corporation in the ’80s and was designed to make programming swift and rapid.


  • Uses a high-performance compiler for a swift response to a request
  • Supports multiple programming languages
  • It can use data from garbage collection.
  • Supports automated memory management functions
  • Separation of classes from programmers ‘syntax

3. C#

C# was invented by Microsoft for general purpose. First launched in the year 2000 and supported by Xamarin Technology, a blended platform tool kit to develop iOS, macOS, Windows, Android, et cetera.


  • Provide vast support and tutorials for object-oriented programming
  • Combines multiple programming languages
  • Built to manage low-level memory management
  • Relatively slow but has a long lifespan
  • Safeguard against mistakes and provide solutions to address errors rationally.
  • Uses Generics to address specific areas where change is needed

4. React Native

Provided by Meta, React Native is frequently used to create applications for iOS platforms. It can, however, also be used to publish apps on the Android platform. Most iOS users prefer to use React Native due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Majorly, React Native was built to display views on platforms using JavaScript in place of Swift code and native C++, which makes it seamless to deploy apps on any platform.


  • It creates integrated platforms for mobile apps with the same codes (both iOS and Android).
  • Emphasizes components with communication possibility
  • Multiple third-party tools for utilization
  • Supports flexbox and auto layout

5. Flutter

Flutter was developed by Google in 2009 and based on the language Dart. Flutter was built to enable integrated apps for iOS, macOS, Android, Linux, and Windows, as well as Google Fuchsia.


  • Swift compilation time without compromise
  • Renders persistently both on iOS and Android
  • Uses Google Dart Languages
  • Provide vast support and tutorials for object-oriented programming
  • Combines multiple programming languages
  • Built to manage low-level memory management
  • Relatively slow but has a long lifespan

6. HTML5

HTML5 is an acronym for Hyper-Text and Markup Language, and its major purpose is to design web pages while using markup languages. Back-end developers majorly use it to design social apps.

HTML5 is also used for programming interactive websites with little amendment to Visual Studio Code Editor and Text Editor.


  • Avails users with the option to use CSS for HTML site alteration
  • Displays images, video, and text, amongst other content on web browsers
  • Supports web development using Node.js
  • Current online standards are such as CSS3 and HTML5
  • Uses JavaScript as an interpreter when interacting with a website

What to Consider Before Launching Out

Developing iOS apps using advanced techniques requires a great deal of preparation and strategic planning. Without proper planning, you might become susceptible to creating an application that is relatively less unique, thus not differentiating your products from the crowd.

Meanwhile, due to the intricacies and hassles that may be involved in this context, we have compiled for you the major things you need to take cognizance of before planning to launch your iOS application(s).

  • Justify your Intention

When inventing something worthwhile and novel like mobile applications, the ability to sit and reflect on your intention relating to the purpose and the nitty-gritty of the proposed app is imperative.

You might want to ask yourself some critical questions to know your standpoint, such as the needs of targeted users and how this app intends to address those needs. Doing this will equip you with new strategies and allow you to navigate your path in the dynamic marketplace seamlessly.

  • Conduct a Vast Market Survey

Investing your time and energy in this aspect is worth it. A proper market survey lets you understand your demography, know the market you are venturing into, and how best to meet the needs of your proposed customers by adjusting or tweaking your app to be on par with their requests, using the data you gathered during your survey.

A good market survey lets you maximize and attract more users to download your app.

  • Rethink Compatibility with Multiple iOS Version.

Designing your app to work on any system version is the first step to increasing your user customer base. It is pertinent to note that most iOS users seldom update their phones to the newest version.

However, if your app is designed to function on any system version, taking interoperability into account, access to your app will be timeless and easy for all users.

  • Design a Plan for Your App Development

One of the major aspects to look out for before launching your application is planning. After conducting a market survey, prepare to ask yourself critical questions to position yourself well before getting started.

Ask questions like what will my UI/UX be? What technology will work well for this? What security measures will I put in place to tackle threats? After completing this phase and you can give the right answers to these questions, you are one step closer to witnessing a successful application launch.

  • Review Your Internal Capabilities to Build the App

Reviewing your internal strength and knowing how firm it stands in tackling intricacies and complexities you may encounter before and after launching your application is pivotal. You need to give close consideration to critical areas such as funding, skills and expertise, market information, and users’ data should be before launching.


Building iOS applications requires vast preparations and consideration of certain rudiments and principles. In this blog post, we have delved into revealing what iOS programming is all about, the benefits of leveraging advanced techniques for iOS app development, the top 10 best programming languages for developing native iOS apps, and what to consider before launching out.

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced developer, understanding these aspects is crucial for crafting successful iOS applications. As you embark on your iOS development journey, partnering with the top iOS app development company in India can provide invaluable expertise and support to bring your ideas to life. We hope that you have outstretched your knowledge horizon by digesting the detailed information we present to you in this blog post.


What is an iOS app?

A. It is software developed to work on Apple devices such as iPhones, iPads, iWatch, MacBooks, etc.

What benefit will I enjoy from developing an iOS application?

Building an iOS app presents a vast platform to enjoy multiple benefits, such as increased revenues, market penetration, and competitive advantages, amongst others.

What is the major thing I should consider before launching my iOS app?

Launching an app requires a great deal of consideration; however, beginning from understanding what need(s) your app is solving is the first step to getting started.



A Smith
Frontend Weekly

Albert Smith is a Digital Marketing Manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in IoT, Cloud & Big Data