Our Experience With New Programming Languages

Gabi Mena
Frontend Weekly
Published in
2 min readJan 30, 2018

This is Ici Colomar and me, we met at AdaLab working together in the 2nd sprint developing an interactive page to create CV’s with other three amazing people :

Scriptoras repository

Here are our personal stories and how we arrived at AdaLab.

I’m Gabi and I was an IT girl 10 years ago working on databases. I made decisions that took me away from the IT environment. Now I’m coming back and I’m so happy to take that decision.

I want to become a Front-End developer and I’m getting there at AdaLab, learning new technologies and working with Agile Methodologies.

At AdaLab we are learning HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, Gulp, Ajax, Sass, Bootstrap, React and some tools like Trello and Slack in order to work better in a team.

As you can see, it is an intensive program where we learn something new everyday and that’s awesome! I love to see myself and compare with of 2 months ago and see the big steps I’ve taken.

Hi! I am Icía and. I’ am a cook. I was working in Kitchens for 3 years and then I had a pretty daughter. When you have a baby, it is very difficult to work in hostel & catering, so I changed to an administrative job. I was working in offices for 11 years where I learnt a lot, but I didn’t like very much. This is because I was working alone in an office and only talking with clients by phone. It was very boring.

I thought that my life needed a change and I started to prepare the access to University course with UNED. I successfully passed the exams with merit. Then, I enrolled at the University of Catalonia studying Computer Science Engineering. A friend talked me about Adalab and its program preparing woman Front-End Developers. I found this option very interesting and began my journey. I feel very lucky to be here because is very difficult to enter the program.

I recommend this program to all women. It is very important to reinvent yourself and this is a good opportunity for that. I’m very excited with this new project of my life.

We hope to go forward each month until we can finally say: I’ am a Front-End Developer.

