Hack Scratch3.0, Make your own machine (0)

kyorohiro (kiyohiro kawamura)
Frontend Weekly
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2017

It is September 1, 2017 now. Scratch 3.0 is under development.

We are planning to write a few articles on the concept of “Create your own machine to hack the scratch3.0.” from now on.

  • Modify the code to make it an Android application
  • Modify the GUI to decorate for yourself
  • Change the layout for your device like iphone and android
  • Recreate VM for your super machine
  • Change assets file to liking

I will be doing it!!

What is Scratch?

Do you know Scratch ( https://scratch.mit.edu/ )?
Scratch is a program tool that allows children to use games and art works using GUI Block.
There are also SNS functions, and an enormous number of works are released.

What is Scratch 3.0

It is a next version of Scratch 2.0. The alpha version is expected to be released for the first time in 2018.

You can try it out below.

Scratch 2.0 was written in Flash. but Scratch 3.0 is written in Html 5.

It’s a big point. We can hack scratch 3.0 easly.

More familiar

I could even be hack the Scratch3.0 an average programmer.

I think there is a following feeling.

Depending on the person who used it, “I want to do more here,” “If you do, it will get better”

That surely is possible to hack Scratch 3.0.

You can make more cozy Scratch dedicated to you.

In that way, I ‘ll write something at the concept of “Create your own special machine to hack the scratch3.0.“

Thank you.



Link for English speaking people

Hack Scratch3.0 (0) Make your own machine

Hack Scratch3.0 (1) Let’s build Scratch VM

Hack Scratch3.0 (2) Run as Android App (1)

Hack Scratch3.0 (3) Run as Android App (2)

now writing…

Link for Japanese (from google translation)


Scratch 3.0 Let’s make your own machine! (0)

Scratch 3.0 Let’s make your own machine! (1) Let’s build Scratch 3.0

Scratch 3.0 Let’s make your own machine! (2) Let’s operate as an Android application (1)

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (3) Let’s operate as an Android application (2)

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (4) Let’s operate as an Android application (3)

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (5) What is Webpack

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (6) Let’s read the package.json of Scratch 3.0

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (7) Let’s install scratch-gui

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (8) Let’s touch scratch-xxx used for scratch-vm

Scratch 3.0 Let’s make your own machine! (9) Let’s touch Babel

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (11) Let’s touch scratch-storage.js

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (12) Let’s touch Blockly

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (13) Let’s touch the Scratch Block

Scratch 3.0 Let’s create your own machine! (14) Let’s make it HTML5 with 100 lines using scratch-vm.js

Scratch 3.0 Make your own machine! (15) ScratchVM’s Opcode

Scratch 3.0 Let’s make your own machine! (16) Let’s convert to PWA with ServiceWorker

now writing…

Fire Type With Scratch 2.0 (Introductory Program) Volume 00

Fire Type With Scratch 2.0 (Introductory Program) Volume 01

Flame Type With Scratch 2.0 (Introduction to Game Program)

Introduction to game program with Scratch and Dart of Fire Shop Studio Advent Calendar 2016

Qiita: Scratch Advent Calendar 2017

