Software Architecture Patterns That You Must Know

A Smith
Frontend Weekly
Published in
9 min readJan 31, 2024

What comes to mind when you hear software architecture? Think about a building architecture that shows the features and sections that are to be included in a building, from the foundation to the roofing.

The software architecture is the foundation of the software development life cycle as it influences many factors such as maintenance, scalability, security, and stability. Software architecture describes the main ideas and characteristics of a system, including the connections, environment, and other design basis.

A great software architecture lays the foundation for high performance, fault tolerance, dependability, and scalability of your system. Therefore, choosing a suitable architecture for developing your software will offer a better performance, even in a challenging situation.

In choosing the appropriate software architectural pattern, it is important to select architectural patterns that are most suitable for you.


1. What is Architecture Pattern?

2. Benefits of Software Architectural patterns

3. Examples of software architecture patterns you should know

What is an Architectural Pattern?

In simple terms, an architectural pattern is like a set of guidelines for designing software. It helps solve common design problems that come up in different software development situations. Think of it as a rough plan or outline for your system, showing how different parts should interact.

Basically, a pattern is a way to solve a problem within a specific situation.

Even though it’s not the actual architecture itself, an architectural pattern is a key concept that helps you understand the elements of software architecture. Many different systems can use the same pattern, making them “strictly described and commonly utilized.” Picking the right software architecture pattern is crucial for a system’s success.

As we stated in the beginning, the software architecture pattern is the cornerstone of the software development life cycle. It plays an important role in designing effective and successful software systems.

Benefits of Software Architectural Patterns

Software architecture patterns are really important because they can help solve different problems in various situations. For example, instead of putting a heavy load on just one server, we can break down complex user requests into smaller parts and spread them across many servers.

Now, let’s look at some of the benefits of using architectural patterns for software applications.

Describes the Basic Features of an Application:

It’s important to understand the unique qualities, strengths, and weaknesses of each to pick the right architecture for your business goals.

Architectural patterns have proven to be helpful in determining the key features and behavior of an application. For example, some patterns work well for making highly scalable apps, while others are great for agile applications.

Maintains Efficiency and Quality:

Quality issues can pop up in any software development project. Choosing the right architecture can actually reduce these issues and make sure your software runs efficiently.

Provides Agility:

Software applications often go through changes during development and even after they’re released. Planning out the basic architecture in advance gives your application flexibility, making it easier to make changes later on.


Having a plan for the software architecture helps understand how all the parts will work together. This foundation allows the development team to use the best methods to solve complex problems and avoid future issues.

Facilitates Productivity:

No matter how skilled someone is in programming, it’s important to follow common rules. When you establish the right application pattern, the organization can quickly understand the project’s status. Plus, productivity goes up when the architecture pattern is set to define the project’s scope.

Now, let’s look at software patterns.

Examples of Software Architecture Patterns you Should Know

There are a few types of software architecture patterns you should know and their shortcomings.

1. Layered Pattern

This kind of architecture is very common in software engineering. It sorts software into layers, each doing specific jobs like showing things on the screen, handling business tasks, and storing information. This setup makes it easier to build and take care of the software, and you often see it in web apps.

A use case of a layered pattern is an online store that can be accessed by hiring a mobile app developer in India. This architecture keeps the buttons you click, the business part (like processing payments), and where it stores info (like your order details) separate.

The same goes for a banking app, which makes sure stuff like talking to customers, doing transactions, and storing data are all in their zones. Even in systems that handle lots of content, like a blog platform, it shows the content, manages it, and keeps it stored away.

Disadvantages: Sometimes, having these layers communicating with each other a lot can slow things down. Also, if the lines between these layers are not clear, it can lead to problems. Imagine the layers being like neighbors who need to chat — it can be confusing when their communication is lagging. Too many layers, on the other hand, can make things more complicated.

2. Client-Server Pattern

This type of architecture pattern divides the application into two parts: clients (the part you see and interact with) and servers (the part that processes data in the background). It is perfect for systems used over the internet, like web-based services.

A use case of this is the email — the part you use to send or get emails is like a client, and then there is a central server that holds all the emails. The same goes for online games — your device communicates with a big server for instant game updates and interaction with other players.

Disadvantages: Sometimes, when lots of people are using it, the server might struggle to keep up. Also, making sure the clients and server talk well can get tricky. And if the big server has a problem, it could cause issues for everyone trying to use the application.

3. Master-Slave pattern

The master-slave software architecture pattern is like having two important roles: the master, who’s in charge of writing stuff, and the slave, who handles reading things. This divide makes things work smoother by improving how data flows in and out.

A use case of this pattern is, for instance, when you have a big project with lots of people making requests on the project. This architecture helps your application stay reliable and not get too overwhelmed. The master takes care of the writing tasks, while the slaves handle the reading requests. It is like having a teamwork system to manage all the user demands.

Disadvantages: The main thing to watch out for here is the master. If it goes down, it can cause problems, not just in how things run but also in losing data and backups. So, while it’s a smart way to handle databases, you need to be mindful of this potential glitch.

4. Peer-to-Peer Pattern

In this architecture, the different peers (nodes) play double roles as both clients and servers. They share stuff directly with each other, skipping the need for a main server. This is handy in systems where things are spread out, like in decentralized file-sharing.

Imagine sharing files with your friends — you can do it directly without needing a big central storage spot. This setup is also super common in blockchain networks, where each node has a complete copy of the entire chain. Even in teamwork tools, like when you collaborate on projects, you can directly share resources using this peer-to-peer setup.

Disadvantages: Having nodes connect directly can raise security worries. Also, in really big networks, it might be a bit tricky to scale up smoothly. Plus, without a central boss, it can sometimes be a challenge to coordinate everything.

5. Pipe-Filter Pattern

In this pattern, information moves through a set of filters lined up in a pipeline, going through changes or getting processed. This is commonly used for systems that deal with processing data.

This can be used in cases like working on pictures — filters in a pipeline can tweak them step by step, adding effects like making them blurry or adjusting colors.

When working with lots of data, like getting it ready for analysis, it filters in a pipeline process and transforms it as it goes along. Even in messing with audio, like making it clearer or reducing noise — filters do their job one after another.

Disadvantages: filters can make your system to be too fixed if you focus too much on it. Keeping track of the order and interactions between filters can get complicated at times. And again, if you have a very complex pipeline, it can be a bit of a challenge to manage and fix issues.

6. Event-Driven Pattern

Event-driven architecture pattern focuses on making different parts of the system communicate with each other through events that happen when users carry out an activity or when data changes. It is like real-time updates on social media or when stock prices change on trading platforms.

For instance, when you post, like, or comment on social media, these actions set off updates all over the platform. In a stock trading app, quick responses to market changes happen because of events. Even in a smart home, devices react to what you do, like turning on lights based on sensor-triggered events.

Disadvantages: Some challenges are common with this pattern. Fixing issues can be a bit tricky because events don’t always follow a straight line. Sometimes, the order and timing of events can cause unexpected things to happen. And if you use too many events, it might make your setup a bit confusing.

7. Microkernel Pattern

Microkernel architectural pattern separates the functional features from optional features, making it easy to add new things later. It is great for software that needs to keep growing.

Imagine a basic text editor — it does the main job of editing text, and then you can add extra features like checking to spell or highlighting code. In web browsers, you have the main functions, and then you can add things like blocking ads or managing passwords. Even in a music player, you have the main music-playing part, and you can add different looks with skins.

Disadvantages: Sometimes, making the functional part communicate with the optional features can slow things down a bit. Also, the optional features might need a specific version of the functional part, and managing how they all work together can get a bit tricky.

8. Microservices Pattern

Microservices architecture pattern organizes everything into small, separate parts that can do their own thing. It is common in systems that work in the cloud. In an online store, different parts handle things like user accounts, product lists, payments, and orders.

For instance, in a ride-sharing app, separate services manage stuff like user logins, ride requests, tracking drivers, and payments. Even in a streaming app, you have different parts for delivering content, managing user profiles, giving recommendations, and handling payments.

Disadvantages: Of course, there are challenges. Managing a setup that is spread out can get a bit complex. Making sure all the parts have the same, up-to-date information can be tricky. And sometimes, talking between the different parts might slow things down a bit.

In Conclusion

If you have an architect who can’t program and programmers who don’t get the basics of architecture, then looking out for top software development company in India will be a worthy decision to deal with all the challenges. Today’s software needs quick thinking and a strong foundation. The software architecture pattern sets the groundwork for a long-term plan that aligns with both the application and the company’s goals.


How does an architecture pattern work?

In simple terms, an architectural pattern is like a set of guidelines for designing software. It helps solve common design problems that come up in different software development situations. Think of it as a rough plan or outline for your system, showing how different parts should interact. Picking the right software architecture is crucial for a system’s success.

Why do I need a software architecture pattern?

Software architecture patterns are really important because they can help solve different problems in various situations. It defines the basic characteristics of an application, maintains efficiency and quality, provides agility, and enhances productivity.

For example, instead of putting a heavy load on just one server, we can break down complex user requests into smaller parts and spread them across many servers.

What is the best architecture pattern for me?

Any of the various types of architectural patterns discussed here can be the best for you. It is important to understand the software solution you need and the best architecture pattern for it.



A Smith
Frontend Weekly

Albert Smith is a Digital Marketing Manager with Hidden Brains, a leading enterprise web & mobile app development company specializing in IoT, Cloud & Big Data