SOLID Principles — Concise and brief explanation

V — D
Frontend Weekly
Published in
1 min readSep 28, 2021

Hi Folks,

Today I am going to tell you about what exactly SOLID Principles concepts are in simple terms.

SOLID stands for

Image taken from google images.

1. Single responsibility principle

  • Each class should have only one reason to change.
  • Decouple unrelated functionalities and segregate them into standalone classes.
  • Readability, reusability, and maintainability.

2. Open-closed principle

  • Introduce abstractions in front of code that will change.
  • Use only when requirements are reasonably predictable.
  • Isolate your code from requirements change.

3. Liskov substitution principle

  • Importance of proper sub-typing in inheritance hierarchies
  • Seven rules.

1. Contravariance of arguments

2. Contravariance of result.

3. Pre Conditions .

4. Post Conditions

5. Exception rule.

6. In-variant rule.

7. Constraint rule.

  • Especially important for code that will be consumed by others.
  • SubTypes can be safely used instead of their supertypes.

4. Interface segregation principle

  • Clients should only depend on the functionality they actually use.
  • Principle of least knowledge and minimal coupling.
  • Robust design, protection from design mistakes, better readability.

5. Dependency inversion principle

  • Governs usage of abstractions
  • Abstractions invert source code dependencies.
  • Protection from change, reusability, breaking dependencies on external modules.

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V — D
Frontend Weekly

Enthusiastic JS developer, Angular, React, Redux, functional programming, NodeJS, Crypto, Block-chain