TodoMVC app with React and Mlyn.

Mikhail Boutylin
Frontend Weekly


Impressed by fine-grained reactivity concept from solid-js, I’ve tried to build a library that brings it to react. Some react issues I was going to solve where:

  • Provide possibility to re-render just those elements, which data has has changed.
  • Enable easy 2-way binding, however maintaining unidirectional data flow.
  • Remove necessity to overflow the code by explicitly mentioning all dependencies, as we currently do with useEffect, useCallback, and useMemo.
  • Issues with encapsulation and modularisation when using redux or context as state management (I ❤️ redux btw).

Now I’m going to present you main concepts of the library within a TodoMVC app example. You can find full source code here. Note that example fits in less than 60 lines of code.

First of all let define our component:

export const App = seal(() => {
// …

seal is an import from react-mlyn, it’s a wrapper of React.memo, which compare function always returns true. Which means, component should never re-render by incoming properties change (those are not supposed to ever change). All children re-renders will be triggered by mlyn reactivity system.

Now let define the state:

const state$ = useSubject({
todos: [],
newTitle: ""

useSubject is a react-hook, that will convert initial state to a subject. A subject in mlyn is a proxy object, which can we used in 4 different ways:

  • you can read from it:
// will return actual state
  • you can write to it:
// will set `newTitle` to `hello`
newTitle: “hello”,
  • you can subscribe to it:
useMlynEffect(() => {
// will log the `state$` value every time it’s updated

By reading state$ inside of useMlynEffect hook we automatically set it as a dependency, which will re-run the hook every time state$ has been updated.

  • you can lens it:
state$.newTitle(); // hello
state$(); // { newTitle: "hello", todos: [] }

Every lens behave like a subject, but when updated bubbles an immutable update to the root subject. Also within lens you can subscribe to updates of just a portions of the state.

Now let go back to our TodoMVC app, let create a synchroniser of todos to the local storage:

// this hook accepts a subject and a string key for localStorage
const useSyncronize = (subject$, key) => {
// if localStorage already contains info for that key,
// let write it to `subject$` as initial state
if (localStorage[key]) {
const preloadedState = JSON.parse(localStorage[key]);
// create a subscription to `subject$` and write
// write it to localStorage when updated
useMlynEffect(() => {
localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(subject$());

Invocation of this hook in the component code:

// create a lens to `state$.todos` and
// bind it to localStorage `todos` key.
useSyncronize(state$.todos, “todos”);

Let create methods for adding / deleting todos:

const addItem = () => {
todos: [
// remember to use `()` when reading from a subject.
` title: state$.newTitle(),
createdAt: new Date().toISOString(),
done: false
newTitle: ""

This looks very similar to normal react update, but you don’t need to wrap it with useCallback since with mlyn component is not going to be re-rendered.

const removeItem = (i) => {
...state$.todos().slice(0, i),
...state$.todos().slice(i + 1)

Note that since here you need to update just todos you can directly write to state$.todos without taking care of rest of the state. This is very handy, when passing a lens as a property to a child.
And finally jsx:

return (
<h3>Simple Todos Example</h3>
placeholder="enter todo and click +"
<button onClick={addItem}>+</button>
getKey={({ createdAt }) => createdAt}
{(todo$, index$) => (
<Mlyn.input type="checkbox" bindChecked={todo$.done} />
<Mlyn.input bindValue={todo$.title} />
<button onClick={() => removeItem(index$())}>x</button>

Notice that for inputs we use special tag Mlyn.input it has some properties which enables subscriptions to mlyn reactivity. One of those is bindValue. When you pass state$.newTitle to it, it will both update the input when the newTitle is updated, and write to newTitle when input is changed. In short, this is 2-way binding.

placeholder="enter todo and click +"

Now let analyse how the For component, that is used to display collections works:

// pass subject which holds array to display
// key extractor, it’s used not only by react reconciliation,
// but also by `For` component logic.
getKey={({ createdAt }) => createdAt}
{(todo$, index$) => (
<Mlyn.input type=”checkbox” bindChecked={todo$.done} />
<Mlyn.input bindValue={todo$.title} />
<button onClick={() => removeItem(index$())}>x</button>

The first parameter $todo of function child prop is still a 2-way lens. Which means, by updating it, you’ll update `todos` array and in general entire state. So writing:

todo$.title(“new value”);

Is like writing something similar to bellow in plain react:

todos: => {
if (getKey(item) === getKey(todo)) {
return { …item, title: “new value” };
return item;

You probably noticed that one input is a checkbox toggle for boolean value:

<Mlyn.input type=”checkbox” bindChecked={todo$.done} />

bindChecked is similar to bindValue but it creates 2-way binding for a boolean subject value to input checked field.

