Top Future Programming Languages for This Decade

Joy Anderson
Frontend Weekly
Published in
5 min readMay 2, 2024

The hardest thing about learning programming if you’re new to the world of software development is figuring out which is the best programming language. There are many programming languages, each with unique quirks and complexity.

The good news is that when your software development project takes off, you’ll start to learn which programming language best fits your needs, interests, and professional objectives.

The top 10 programming languages of the future for a variety of typical use cases — such as web development, mobile app development, game development, and more — will be covered in this article.

Best Programming Languages To Learn In 2025 & Beyond

With over 700 good programming languages, you might think which is best to learn. Your skill level, job ambitions, and employer languages will determine your options. Start with these 10 future programming languages 2025.


JavaScript is a popular web scripting language that supports object-oriented, imperative, and declarative styles. JavaScript, an essential part of the Web, works flawlessly with HTML and CSS to create dynamic and interactive websites.

Most prominent websites, including Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, & YouTube, use JavaScript to build interactive web pages & dynamically display content.

Due to its flexibility, JavaScript has various uses. It can be used on the server side with Node.js to construct scalable network applications, even though it’s a browser interface language.

JavaScript is one of the easiest languages of the future programming for beginners due to its flexible syntax and compatibility with all major browsers.


Kotlin was carefully designed to work with Java, a dynamic, statically typed programming language. Kotlin can compile JavaScript and native code in addition to the JVM. Kotlin has risen in Android development because of its easy interaction with Java, which boosts efficiency and productivity.

Kotlin’s straightforward structure makes it useful for online, desktop, and server-side programming outside Android. Safety mechanisms, tool compatibility, and conciseness offer a smooth development experience in any setting. Kotlin appeals because it naturally mitigates Java’s issues. Many Java developers have switched to Kotlin for its user-friendly syntax and strong feature set.

As Google endorses Kotlin for Android development and several flagship apps switch to it, Kotlin is destined to become a top programming language.


Python is among the easiest and the best programming language for future programming languages on this list. Many beginners choose Python because its syntax is straightforward, intuitive, and almost English-like.

Python is a versatile, strong programming language for your use case due to its many uses. The Python-based open-source Django framework is popular, easy to learn, and feature-rich for back-end web development. Mozilla, Instagram, and Spotify use Django. Python is ideal for academics due to its scientific and data applications.


Scala is a type-safe JVM language that combines object-oriented & functional programming. Scala’s powerful static type system reduces errors in complex applications. Scala’s JVM and JavaScript interoperability enables robust, scalable solutions.

Java libraries and JVM capabilities allow Scala to support various applications, from web services to complex machine learning systems. LinkedIn, AT&T, and Bloomberg use Scala for various operations. Scala’s powerful static typing and conciseness overcome Java’s constraints, making it an agile data science language.

Its Unix and Windows compatibility highlights its versatility, making it a key contender among future programming languages. Scala promotes clarity, precision, and type safety by treating everything as an object.


Web applications need Python and SQL to use data efficiently. Unlike other languages on our list, SQL allows data storage, extraction, and manipulation in a database.

SQL, the main database programming language, requires learning its syntax to query a database. SQL is useful for app developers with social networking, payment processors, and music libraries. SQL skills are essential for database administrators, analysts, and QA engineers.


According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer’s Survey, 38.87% of developers use TypeScript, the top coding language. According to TypeScript, Google, Airbnb, and Slack use the programming language.

After learning JavaScript, TypeScript is easy. Open-source programming language based on JavaScript works in any JavaScript environment. TypeScript’s ability to discover mistakes before running JavaScript code speeds up development.


This list’s other languages are more established, but Rust is still worth learning. Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer’s Survey reported that Rust was the most popular future programming language for the eighth year, with 80% of Rust developers wanting to keep using it.

Rust, like C and C++, is designed for low-level systems development by Mozilla Corporation. However, Rust emphasizes speed and security. Rust emphasizes building “safe code” to prevent programs from accessing memory that can cause unexpected behavior and system crashes.

Dropbox and Coursera use Rust internally due to its benefits. Rust programming may be harder than other introductory languages, but its popularity will grow, making it worth learning.


Go is one of the most useful programming languages of Google. Go is suitable for engineers interested in systems programming because it’s low-level. It has most C and C++ capability without the syntax or learning curve. It is ideal for web servers, machine-learning packages and data pipelines.

The compiled language Go runs “close to the metal,” making it fast. As an open-source language, ambitious developers can see their work used by programmers worldwide.


Start with Swift if you like Apple products and mobile app development. Swift, introduced by Apple in 2014, is a new programming language for iOS and macOS.

Swift was designed from the bottom up for current iOS development and performance. iOS powers every iPhone, iPad, and other operating systems like watchOS and tvOS. Tech sector leader Apple isn’t going anywhere, and iOS apps are the most profitable mobile apps.


C#, like C++, is a general-purpose, object-oriented language based on C. Microsoft created it for its.NET framework for Windows apps.

C++ and other C-derived languages have similar syntax, making C# easy to learn. C# is used for Microsoft app development and Xamarin cross-platform app development.

C# is also recommended for VR developers. Unity, which makes up one-third of the top games, recommends C# for 3D and 2D video game development.

Wrapping up

Although programming changes quickly, the above languages are very durable; learning one or more of these languages will put you ahead this year and in the future. Learning a second will be easier since you may use your first programming language skills.



Joy Anderson
Frontend Weekly

Joy Anderson: Tech consultant transforming businesses with expertise in digital solutions. Passionate about driving innovation and achieving digital excellence.