Web Update Chrome112 and Firefox112 ~ April 2023

Andreas Sujono
Frontend Weekly
Published in
4 min readMay 1, 2023


Chrome 112 and Firefox 112 are released on April 2023. Several new exciting web features are finally released. let’s discuss!

1. HTML attribute inert on Firefox

Although the inert attribute has already been released in other major browsers such as Chrome 102, Microsoft Edge 102, and Safari 15.5, Firefox 112 has finally added support for this capability.

The inert attribute is used to instruct the browser to ignore the element, disabling all mouse clicks and focus events. It will also remove the element from the accessibility tree, preventing assistive technology from displaying it. This attribute is particularly useful for decorative elements, pop-ups, or any elements that you want to disable interactivity for.

Behind the scenes, you could consider the inert attribute as summarizing CSS attributes of

  • pointer-events: none
  • user-select: none
  • And attribute aria-hidden

2. Linear Easing Function

An easing function determines how a numerical value changes over time. It is typically used in animations or transitions to define the rate of value change between two states. Firefox 112 and a future release of Chrome 113 now support…



Andreas Sujono
Frontend Weekly

A Full Stack Developer with 5 years of working experience, Web2 and Web3 Enthusiast, twitter: @AndreasSujono2