Why is Angular relevant in 2023?

Mykyta Semenov
Frontend Weekly
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2023

With online presence being a must, businesses are looking for technologies to build scalable, high-performance, and user-friendly websites and web apps. And Angular framework is one such technology. Let us show you some stats first.

angular framework

Angular takes fifth place among the most used web frameworks (20,39% of developers are using it). According to BuiltWith, more than 300,000 websites use Angular. It is a common choice to create complex projects.

In this article, we will talk about the reasons for Angular’s popularity and the advantages of using this framework.

What Angular is good for

Initially, Angular was called AngularJS and written in JavaScript. It was meant to be a framework for creating single-page applications, but its capabilities extended to much more types of projects. Now, Angular is a popular technology to build:

  • Progressive web apps (PWAs). An Angular PWA package provided by NPM allows creating PWAs with native-like features and reduced loading time.
  • Single-page applications (SPAs). With routing processes and straightforward data management Angular enables, you can create efficient SPAs easier.
  • Mobile apps. You can combine Angular with Nativescript or Ionic to develop
  • Large-scale web apps. Angular features such as the ability to reuse code, testability, and progressive refactoring help in creating enterprise web applications.
  • Interfaces with animations. With its usable modules, Angular can help create great UI and UX.

If you want to learn about top companies that use Angular, here are the top 10 of them:

  • PayPal
  • Gmail
  • Forbes
  • Upwork
  • JetBlue
  • Wikiwand
  • Standard bank
  • Sky for business
  • YouTube

Reasons why Angular is good for software development

Now that we know what Angular is used for, let’s take a closer look at the advantageous features of this technology for software developers.

Two-way data binding

Two-way data binding synchronizes the server data and the HTML elements so that once you change the data in the Model, the View changes too. This helps engineers create dynamic experiences on web pages and reuse the HTML code.

Declarative and interactive UI

Angular uses HTML, which is not as complicated as JavaScript, to define how your project will look and work. This will save you time in deciding what to load first and you receive a more usable and organized interface. You just need to specify your requirements and Angular will deal with the rest.

Modules and components

Angular framework has a modular structure. You can easily create, maintain, and reuse numerous components and modules in Angular. This makes it easier to extend your project’s functionality in the future. Engineers can also reuse the modules and components for other projects.

Modules also allow you to divide the work scope between your team members and make sure all of them work productively.

Google support

Maintenance and community support from such a significant company as Google make Angular a well-known and credible technology.

Themes and templates

Developers can choose from thousands of themes and templates in Angular. Once you choose a template, the code implements instantly and you can customize it later on if needed.

Material Design

Material Design is a library that contains a great set of elements to build interfaces for mobile and web projects. Engineers can easily integrate these pre-built components that range from navigation panels to popups and buttons into your project. With this library, you can create a seamless and appealing UI for all sorts of projects.

As we can see, there are plenty of reasons why software developers go for Angular for project development in 2023.

Business benefits of using Angular

After learning more about the tech side of Angular popularity, let’s have a look at the business advantages of using it.

Reduced development time

Thanks to its comprehensive documentation, support from a strong developer community, and modularity, Angular framework lets create software products faster and more effectively.

High quality

Angular component-based architecture leads to easily maintainable products and easier code testing. It simplifies unit testing because you can test every small part in your app.

Scalable products

Having your project’s structure consisting of separate manageable components, you will be able to develop complex products. And also updating and maintaining them becomes easier as well for the same reason.

Cross-platform and native development

Angular is a popular choice to build web products as well as apps that run on several platforms. For example, they can be cross-platform apps such as PWAs that look and work like native apps. Apart from that, Angular + Ionic or NativeScript can be used to build native applications. If you hire qualified Angular developers for your project, you have opportunities to build almost any type of product.

The final note

Angular framework is a relevant choice for software development in 2023 and there are no signs of changing it in the years to come. This framework is especially popular for creating enterprise-scale web products, mobile apps, and PWAs. And taking into account Angular’s features and benefits, it is an excellent framework to build your products with. If you’ve already set your mind on using Angular for your project, you will need to choose a company that specializes in Angular software development.



Mykyta Semenov
Frontend Weekly

CEO at SECL Group — Brainy Developers! We create successful web projects. https://seclgroup.com/