Demystifying Gender Pronouns

Amy Potter
Front-end World
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2022


Gender Identity by Amy Potter with NightCafe A.I.

This will not be a popular article but bear with me. By the way, this article makes use of satire in some places. See if you can find them.

I have recently noticed a trend in short author bios to indicate pronoun preference. As a member of the boomer generation, I wish to voice a protest.

By the way, I am glad you have removed the baby from a boomer. We used to be the baby boom generation, born between 1946 and 1964, because of servicemen returning from WWII. We are not baby’s anymore, well, except to our lovers. Yes, boomers still make love. I know it is as shocking as the realization that your parents made love. Mine only did it twice, once for me and once for my brother.

Back to pronouns, my protest is this. The mature mind of a boomer, a chocked-full-of-knowledge brain, can only handle so much information. There is so much to remember. Think of all the technological advances we have seen in our lifetimes. Now we have to remember gender pronouns. It used to be so easy. Men and boys were he, and women and girls were she.

Oh, we had to ask mothers if their baby was a girl or boy if they weren’t dressed in pink or blue. Men and women were expected to wear clothes appropriate to their sex, not their sexual orientation. I still occasionally mistake a pre-pubescent boy for a girl if I only hear his voice. Calling someone "it" or "them" seems unnatural to us. Allow me to explain.

We were raised in a world of…



Amy Potter
Front-end World

I write short stories, historical romance, medieval and American western, science fiction, and true stories of my life experiences.