Svelte, My very first impression

Dariel Noel
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2019

One of my best friends and an old colleague asked me about my personal opinion about Svelte. So, I’ll try to do my best in this post.

The tagline

Cybernetically enhanced web apps….

Umm, it sounds interesting, but what do they mean by “Cybernetically enhanced”? The Svelte official blog gives us the following statement.

‘Cybernetically enhanced’ is designed to instead evoke Svelte’s overarching philosophy that our tools should work as intelligent extensions of ourselves — hopefully with a retro, William Gibson-esque twist.”

At first glance, I don’t get it :(. Maybe I will need more exposure to the Svelte ecosystem.

Main benefits 😄

Small footprint

Given the fact that Svelte does not have a Runtime, that gave it a clear advantage over other solutions. Not needing to deal with a runtime overheat is excellent if you are going to be writing isolated components and performance matters. Here is a comparison against other frameworks published by freeCodeCamp in the following article.


Because Svelte does all the heavy work at compiling time, in theory, that will make it super fast at runtime. I could not find any concrete example yet. Can you help me? Below another chart from the freeCodeCamp folks. I’m not sure about the conditions of the benchmark below neither.

Writing less code

The framework authors have made this one of their core principles. Take a look at the following post Write Less Code in which they make a comparison against Vue and React. Practically; I’m not sure if you can benefit from this in the near term. Because due to the framework age, there are not a lot of UI libraries. Some examples could be date pickers and autocompletes, so you will probably need to write a lot of code from scratch.

Built-in Self-contained styles

Don’t have to think about how to maintain a component-scoped CSS is a blessing.

Built-in accessibility features

Svelte will help by warning you if you write inaccessible markup, Awesome!!!.

Main drawbacks


It seems not being a defined official answer to this yet from the framework authors. Here is what they wrote in the project FAQ.

Custom syntax

My first impression of ReactJS was peculiar, cause I did not get why people mixed javascript with HTML (JSX). After a while, I started seeing the benefits. Herewith Svelte, having to learn all the framework-specific syntax, make me feel like going back again.

Here some examples from the Svelte documentation.

Adding Reactivity

Exporting props

Expressing conditional logic

Event Handlers Modifiers

Young ecosystem

The Svelte community is doing a great job creating docs, tooling, and other materials. However, the amount can’t be compared yet with other frameworks like React, Vue, or Angular. That will be getting better as the adoption increases.

In the following repo Awesome Svelte, you will find a curated list by Booqable.

Some Stats

Companies using Svelte

My conclusions

As the Svelte blog said, “Svelte is a radical new approach to building user interfaces.” When you do different things most of the time, you are going to have two primary outcomes, Glory or Missery 😄. Definitively Svelte is a project we should keep the eyes on, cause the are doing great stuff and shaking paradigms.

At Front10, we will always welcome innovation and new technologies that can push the Front-end development forward. Even when React is giving us great results so far, we wish long live to Svelte and hope to use it in production someday in the near term.

Interesting Readings

Computer, build me an app — Rich Harris — JSConf EU 2018

What is Svelte




Published in Front10

The React Components and Front-end cavalry

Dariel Noel
Dariel Noel

Written by Dariel Noel

KaibanJS - AI Agents Javascript Framework. 🧑‍💻 Founder, 10x Engineer, JS Ninja, Gen AI Champ

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