How to Document your learning | FullStack Camp

Deepak Kumar
2 min readNov 27, 2020


Writing is easy. Anyone can write. But, writing something which people would love to read is hard. It takes time to master this skill.

We recommend all our learners to document their learning and share the updates regularly on the social channels.

Learning in the peer group is a well-researched idea that helps you stay motivated and be in sync with your team.

The best way to track your progress is to document your learning. Here is a short guide for everyone who wants to document their learning journey.

This checklist is applicable to all platforms.

Follow this checklist.

  1. Start your post with what you are learned.
  • Don’t include hashtags in this line.

For example — If you learned, How to create a static HTML site in your journey to become a web developer.

Here is what you can write.

This is a sample Twitter tweet template.

Today is my Day X of learning web development, I learned about the syntax of HTML, and how to make a static site.

Here is a live URL/screenshot of what I created — {LIVE_PROJECT_URL}

#100Dayofcode #webdeveloper

2. Only include the hashtags at the end of the post. Don’t include more than 3 hashtags.

Some common hashtags you can use if you are on FullStack Camp.

#100DaysOfCode #webdeveloper #frontbenchcamp

3. Whether you are writing a tweet/post/blog, one paragraph should not have more than 4 lines. Leave some empty line after the end of a paragraph.

4. If you are writing a blog, then it should not be less than 150 words.

5. Your daily update tweet/post must have ( any one of them)

  • a screenshot of the ongoing project you are working on.
  • live working URL if the project is live.
  • or code sandbox URL
  • a short gif or video of the app



Deepak Kumar

sharing insights on AI, software development, designing scalable system