Progress Report of week 1 at Frontbench Camp

Deepak Kumar
3 min readNov 22, 2020


This is week 1 of the full-stack camp which we recently started at Frontbench. The goal of this weekly report is to share what we did last week, what our learners learn and built.

FullStack Camp by Frontbench is a peer community-based learning program to help students upskill in the latest technologies by building projects in teams.

At Frontbench, we don’t just teach how to code, but rather help students to improve their soft skills i.e writing, speaking, by encouraging them to document their learning in public. This weekly blog is also an initiative to learn and build in public.

So, Let’s get started and see what we did and what our students learned in WEEK 1.

The goal of week 1 is to build a static HTML site ( a portfolio website) and deploy it LIVE.

Demo —

On Day1, we completed the onboarding process, introduction, info about the structure of the program, and how they will be learning and building in the next 12 weeks.

Starting from scratch we covered how the web works, and the technologies you can use to build your first web application.

When we were starting the full-stack camp, we told 3 things that every learner has to follow 3 things in order to get the desired outcome from this program.

  1. Document your learning by updating what you learned on social media like LinkedIn/Twitter and our slack channel.
  2. Write a weekly blog covering your weekly learning and projects.
  3. Learn by building.

And, we feel very happy to share what our learners did.

And, This is how the WEEK 1 schedule looks like.

Week 1 completed with a project completion rate of 86.6 % and a weekly blog completion rate of 75%.

Here, we are listing some of the projects and blogs from Week 1.

List of some of the projects in Week 1

  1. Abhishek Kumar — Project Link — #1
  2. Aman Sharma — Project Link — #2
  3. K Prem Kiran — Project Link — #3
  4. Khushali Shah — Project Link — #5
  5. Priya — Project Link #6
  6. Riya Agrawal — Project Link #7
  7. Rutik — Project Link #8
  8. Sahil Sharma — Project Link #9
  9. Sameer Choubey — Project Link #10
  10. Satish Narayan — Project Link #11

List of the featured weekly blog :

  1. Weekly Summary Blog by Prem — Link
  2. Weekly Summary Blog by Khushali — Link
  3. Weekly Summary Blog by Rutik — Link
  4. Weekly Summary Blog by Satish — Link

Here is our open-source learning curriculum:

Follow us on Twitter to know more about the program:

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Deepak Kumar

sharing insights on AI, software development, designing scalable system