Why be a developer in the world of no-code platforms?

sourav srivastava
3 min readDec 13, 2020


Nowadays becoming a software/web developer is undoubtedly one of the best career choices someone can make, not only because of the great job opportunities available but also because of the huge rewards in terms of personal satisfaction, self-development, and creative expression.

At the same time, we are seeing the rise of no-code development as GitHub founder said “Future of coding is no coding”. There are many tools that require almost zero knowledge of coding and let you make a full-fledged website.

This arises a question in every wannabe developer’s mind that is being a developer gonna help them in the future?

Let us think through, Why being a developer is still the best career instead of competition and no-code tools.


The first thing that comes to mind after seeing the rise of no-code tools is will the demand for developers will decrease? Well, the answer is NO. There is no way the demand will decrease but we can say the skill required to enter the market will decrease.

No-code tool was made with a perspective to remove the barrier for layman users to get into the world of coding and building things. As of the survey, the software/web development industry is seeing a rise in demand of 22% YOY.


There is a quality that differentiates a good developer from a naive one and it can also be used to diff. from no-coder to a developer is the Reliability. Reliability for a developer can be defined as the ability to write code that structures well, define logic, escape the loop, minimum error, and sustainable.

Well, anyone can make a website but to write a code that passes all the above quality is hard. If you master all these skills then you can be a part of 1% developer and there will be no barrier to stop you from a career in software and tech.


Pic credit: WebStock Review

Our future is projected to embrace artificial intelligence, robots, extraordinary solutions with custom programming languages for data handling, statistical and analytical analysis, operating and functioning, cybersecurity and the list goes on.

New large-scale space missions are expected to initiate that require assistance from software developers. That will not just open up opportunities for software developers but also for millions of engineers that will be dependent again on software developers for support, technical guidance, and integration solutions, and innovative ideas with one another.


Software/web development career has been most rewarding for a decade now and it tends to grow exponentially. Other than having an above than average salary pay scale, it allows getting in connection to the greatest mind and innovation for the next point of life on earth. And on the other hand, a No-code developer tends to have big differences in pay scale.

I want to conclude this article by saying that this post is not a criticism for no-coder or to demean them and ignore their hard work.

I wrote this for the sole purpose of sending a message to fellow developers/ students that software is not going anywhere for 2–3 decades and being a good developer will eventually give you a super-power if you move to no-code tools in the latter part of your career.



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