What people do with their phone?

App usage (80% of time) dominates browsers in mobile usage

Andrea Usseglio
Frontend and beyond
2 min readJul 17, 2013


The new Monetate Q1 2013 Ecommerce Report shows the growth in use of mobile site visitors

Device share of website traffic

As you can see tablet and smartphone use almost doubled in the year.

Mobile share is now around 25% on average.

This other chart shows what people do when they use a smartphone or a tablet.

Time spent on Devices

The 80% of the time is spent on Apps. Mainly on games and Facebook.

Today, the U.S. consumer spends an average of 2 hours and 38 minutes per day on smartphones and tablets. 80% of that time (2 hours and 7 minutes) is spent inside apps and 20% (31 minutes) is spent on the mobile web.

This is a key insight as companies decide whether to develop mobile apps or create mobile device specific apps.



Andrea Usseglio
Frontend and beyond

Web and mobile application developer. Javascript ninja, Arduino hacker wannabe and Nodejs entusiast..