Enhance Your Code With ChatGPT

Rodrigo Figueroa
Frontend at Accenture
4 min readJul 27, 2023


This revolutionary new tool that everybody can use, really can help us coding, follow me to know about these techniques that our friend ChatGPT can help us with.

1. Prettify your Code

ChatGPT is so powerful that it can code easily, check this out! I’m going to add some easy code and therefore ChatGPT will help me prettify my code:

const one = 1, two = 2, name = ‘Medium’ 

const simpleFunction = ( str ) => {
console.log( `Print in console: ${ str }` )
Example after ChatGPT prettier my easy code

As you see, it helps prettier all my code, and it looks great at the final answer

2. Debugger

Yes, ChatGPT can debug our code and help you with some mistakes, it will help you if you have a massive project, and you need to work fast but be careful, your information is not secure and also always be carefully not to share sensitive or private data.

// Errors 

const errorfunction () => {
console.log(‘this is an error’)

lett a = ‘a’

const changeName = ‘hllo’

consol.log( changeName )
Example debugging with ChatGPT
Example debugging with ChatGPT

After I added small mistakes, it looks that it fixed all of them and in addition added the information really good!

3. Generate Code

Well for now it was awesome but what is happening is, if you can use it as your new Assistance to create code in seconds or if you have an idea of creating something you can tell to ChatGPT to start the project? This is really cool! Let’s go to the practice:

3.1 Generate an Express.js starting point

Example creating a small server with Express.js
Example creating a small server with Express.js

3.2 Generate a small HMTL form with JavaScript fetch code

Example HTML form and his Fetch Code
Example HTML form and his Fetch Code

Looks great right! Well, all of this was created with ChatGPT and it is still great!

4. Explain concepts

If you really want to take advantage of ChatGPT and its world, you can start asking about concepts, differences, new libraries etc. it will save you a little time, for sure!

4.1 Differences between remove method and removeChild method

Example differences between removeChild and Remove methods in JS
Example differences between removeChild and Remove methods in JS

As you see again everything is explained and in a nutshell.

5. Refactoring code

ChatGPT can refactor code, and it will set in a descriptive manner

const sumTwo = ( a, b ) => { 
return a + b

const minusTwo = ( a, b ) => {
return a — b
Refactoring code with ChatGPT
Refactoring code with ChatGPT

6. Comment Code

Another incredible and handy use is that you can ask to comment your code and ChatGPT it will do it in a neat way.

Let’s use our past simple code

Example adding comments with ChatGPT
Example adding comments with ChatGPT


The new AI era is coming and if you want to improve with the new AI tools this can be a small step to do it and of course testing and working alongside with your new friend ChatGPT will be great! Don’t hesitate about testing new tools, this can be a great start to a new way to develop your new project in this case ChatGPT help us out with some way to improve coding in the best and funny way.



Rodrigo Figueroa
Frontend at Accenture

I’m a Web Developer, fanatic of books and Smash Player.