How to deploy a pure static HTML Website?


How to deploy a pure static HTML website?

Deploy HTML, CSS, and JavaScript static websites.


Many companies, such as individuals, agencies, and small startups, use pure static HTML, JavaScript, and CSS-based websites for their portfolios, even in 2024.

The static website is easy to maintain and has a low deployable cost; there is no need to hire a bunch of developers for portfolio websites.

Specifically, for static hosting, a few service providers are available through which you can deploy your static website without any problem.

What are the benefits of a static hosting website?

With a static website, the benefits list is very long. I share some of my favorite lists for benefits:

  1. Speed: Static websites load faster than dynamic websites.
  2. Build and maintenance cost: Static websites are cheaper to build and maintain than dynamic websites. Sometimes, there is no need for maintenance at all.
  3. Deploy: A static website is affordable and easy to deploy. Some people don’t need to pay for static hosting.
  4. Security: Static websites are more secure because they don’t contain database-related stuff.
  5. Scalability: Static websites can quickly scale at peak demand.

In this tutorial, we discuss the cloud provider built for static website deployment. The comes with a free plan for seven Day.

The static app is helpful for those unfamiliar with Git, GitHub, and similar development tools.

The or static host are the best recommendations for beginners.

You can deploy your website in less than five minutes with the static app. To deploy a static website, follow the steps described below.

  1. Open dashboard
  2. Create a new website
  3. Upload Files or folder.
  4. How to edit files in the static app?
  5. How to collect form data with the
  6. How to enable analytics on the website with
  7. Is there another platform available for static hosting?
  8. Conclusion

Open dashboard

Go to static app website.
Go to the static app website.

Go to the static app website and create an account. If you already have an account, log in to it.

Create a new website

Create a new website in static app.
Create a new website using the static app.

The next step is to click the new website button to create a new website in the static app.

Upload Files or folder.

Now upload your HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files created to your project and compress them into a zip folder.

In this article, I used the play tailwind template to demonstrate how to deploy a static website in the static app.

Upload folder in
Upload folder

After successfully uploading the files related to your website, the static app redirects you to the website settings page.

Where you can add or change the website title and description, etc.

Add or change title and description of project in
Add or change the title and description

How to edit files in the static app?

The static app has an inbuilt editor support, where you can edit your HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc., in just one click and deploy it.

I clicked on the 404.html file, and it opened in the editor. With an editor, you can edit and preview your file.

Open file in editor.
Open the file in editor.

How to collect form data with the

The static app helps to collect data from forms on a static website.

Add the static-form attribute on your existing HTML form to start collecting submission entries.

<form static-form >

If you have multiple HTML forms on the website, automatically creates a new database for each page.

But you can add a static-form-id on your existing static-form to put data in a specific place:

<form static-form static-form-id="main-contacts" >

How to enable analytics on the website with

Enable analytics on the website.
Enable analytics on the website.

Analytics are disabled by default in the static app. You can enable them with a simple click. Go to settings, then click analytics, and enable them.

Is there another platform available for static hosting?

Yes, is not the only platform; other platforms are available online. You can check the list.



Lots of developers are asking where we deploy static websites. I’d also say you can use Vercel, Netlify, etc.

Some people do not know about Git and GitHub. They need a simple platform for their static website.

Please compare the pricing plan before using any of the platforms I mentioned.

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Rajdeep Singh
FrontEnd web

JavaScript | TypeScript | Reactjs | Nextjs | Rust | Biotechnology | Bioinformatic | Frontend Developer | Author |