Best Kits for tailwind CSS for 2023
Best Kits for tailwind CSS for 2023

Tailwind CSS

Top 32 best free tailwind CSS libraries (Kits) for 2023 [updated]

Tailwind CSS is the future of web designing.


Tailwind CSS does not come with ready-made components like Bootstrap. On the other hand, tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework.

The simple meaning is that it provides a bunch of classes and removes unused styles (classes) in the production.

Tons of libraries help to provide a ready-made component for tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS helps to increase development speed, and you do not need to write a tailwind class again and again in your HTML and design the website with copy and paste code.

You got my favourite tailwind CSS UI kit list in my articles, which I use daily. Some libraries are open source, and some come with a free and paid plan. Most of the libraries come with dark mode supported.

## Note

The main purpose of the article is to share a list of tailwind CSS base libraries ( Kit ). It does not compare any library with another library.


  1. Shadcn UI
  2. Flowbite
  3. Radix-ui
  4. Material Tailwind
  5. Meraki UI
  6. Sailboat UI
  7. Kometa
  8. Headless UI
  9. Daisy UI
  10. Hyper UI
  11. Flowrift
  12. Tailwind UI kit
  13. Tailwind-kit
  14. Wickedblocks
  15. Tailus
  16. Tailgrids
  17. Kutty
  18. Windmill UI
  19. Myna UI
  20. Tailwind Starter Kit
  21. Tailblocks
  22. Tailwind toolbox
  23. Float UI
  24. Preline
  25. Tailwind flex
  26. Mamba UI
  27. LangUI
  28. Wind UI
  29. Next UI
  30. Tail spark
  31. Neobrutalism
  32. Ripple UI

Shadcn UI

Shadcn UI is recently gaining popularity on the internet. It supports react.js server components, theming, CLI for installation, base color configuration, etc.


Flowbite is a popular library built with tailwind CSS and provides inbuilt tailwind CSS components for developers.

You create website layouts like copy-paste and save lots of time and energy. Flowbite comes with both free and paid plans.


Radix-ui is a popular library built into the tailwind CSS framework. Radix UI feels like material UI.

Material Tailwind

Material Tailwind comes with ready-made components. You can design pure HTML and react website layouts using material tailwind components. The fun part is the material tailwind maintained by Creative Tim.

Meraki UI

Meraki UI provides 144+ custom UI components built with tailwind CSS and Alpine JS.

Meraki UI is open-source under an MIT license. Meraki UI also supports dark mode out of the box.

Sailboat UI

Sailboat UI provides 150+ tailwind CSS components with tailwind CSS and alpine.js. Sailboat UI is open-source under an MIT license. The cool part is a Sailboat UI is a new framework launched in December 2022.


Kometa is a UI kit based on tailwind CSS. Kometa provides 130 inbuilt tailwinds CSS-based components, and Kometa is free.

Komet is maintained by kitwind.

Headless UI

Headless UI is a slight tailwind CSS-based component library only for React developers. Handless UI is open source and maintained by Tailwind Lab.

Daisy UI

Daisy UI is an open-source UI based on tailwind CSS. The Big motivation is to use daisy UI in our project.

Dailsy UI writes fewer classes to achieve a similar result in UI design when you write multiple tailwind CSS classes in your project.

Hyper UI

Hyper UI is a free open-source tailwind CSS-based component for modern design.

Hyper UI is a complete bundle of CSS and JavaScript. You do not need any else.


Flowrift is a free, open-source tailwind CSS-based component library. It provides different category components for the website.

Tailwind UI kit

The tailwind UI kit provides an extensive list of inbuilt components. In the free plan tailwind, the UI kit provides only 250 components; in the paid plan, you access all components and templates for a lifetime.


The tailwind kit provides access to over 250 free tailwinds CSS-based components.

All components are compatible with Reactjs, Vuejs, and Angular, and All components are available under an MIT license.

Wicked blocks

Wicked blocks provides a free 120 fully responsive tailwind CSS-based component, and All component comes ready to copy and paste into your Tailwind projects. But I can't find Wicked Blocks license guidelines.


Tailus provides a list of UI components and templates built on tailwind CSS. Tailus components offer a rich and modern UI experience.

Tailus is free and has a vs-code plugin; you do not need to copy and paste your code.


Tailgrids provides a variety of 500+ components, blocks, sections, and templates built on tailwind CSS.

Tailgrids come with free and paid plans. All the tailgrids components provide rich and modern UI experiences for users.


Kutty is based on reusable tailwind CSS components and adds component interaction with alpine.js.

With Kutty, you write fewer tailwind classes and achieve a lot. Kutty provides the feel of Bootstrap and comes with an MIT license.

Windmill UI

Windmill UI is a free react base UI component library design with tailwind CSS.

Myna UI

Myna UI is an open-source tailwind CSS-based component library. It provides few components as compared to other libraries.

Tailwind Starter Kit

Tailwind Starter Kit is a Free and Open Source library. The Tailwind Starter Kit is based on Tailwind CSS.

It is ready to use all HTML, ReactJS, Vue, and Angular components—Tailwind Starter Kit designed and maintained by creative-Tim under MIT license.


Tailblocks is a small library based on tailwind CSS. Tail blocks provide 60+ inbuilt components.

All the components are responsive and dark mode-ready. Tail blocks are available under the MIT Licence.

Tailwind toolbox

A tailwind toolbox site is where you find other people's projects on tailwind CSS. All the project is free, and you copy and paste code into your project.

Float UI

Float UI is an open-source UI components library, easily customizable and built on top of Tailwind CSS and modern JS frameworks.

Preline UI

Preline UI is an open-source prebuilt UI component, examples, and plugin based on the utility-first Tailwind CSS framework.

Tailwind flex

Tailwind Flex is a free tailwind examples website. The community contributes to all the components.

Mamba UI

Mamba UI is a free, open-source collection of UI components based on Tailwind CSS.

Mamba UI component, you can create an e-commerce website or a personal blog website within minutes.


LangUI is an open-source Tailwind component library; with LangUI, you can create AI and GPT-related projects with ready-made components.

You can easily customize the components; every component has a supported dark mode.

Wind UI

Wind UI is responsive, accessible components in React and HTML ready to be used on your website or app.

You can copy and paste components to your Tailwind CSS project.

Next UI

Next UI is another UI library for React that helps you build beautiful and accessible user interfaces.

The Next UI was created on top of Tailwind CSS and React Aria.

Tail spark

The Tail Spark library comes with 350+ free tailwind CSS components and is ready to use on your production site.


Neobrutalism is an open-source collection of type-safe components written in React and Tailwind.

Ripple UI

Ripple UI is an open-source collection of tailwind CSS components library that helps to build modern interfaces. Without having to write a lengthy CSS lesson.


I'm not recommending the one library to stay with. Instead, follow every library I mention in my article and use it according to your design requirements.

Bookmark all the libraries in the browser and use them.

You do not need any paid plan if you are a freelance, student, or small startup.

Suppose you are interested in saving time and improving the development process speed.

Then you buy a paid plan for any of them, which I mention in the list of libraries.

I recommend Tailwind UI, Tailwind UI kit, and Flow Bite for the paid plan.



Rajdeep Singh
FrontEnd web

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