Frontier, a Leader in Community Geothermal EM&V

Lun K. So
Frontier Energy
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2021

Do you know that Frontier implemented the performance validation for a novel community ground source heat pump loop in Riverhead, New York? You can read it here.

We worked with NYSERDA, National Grid, installing contractors, and homeowners to analyze the effect of various system design features on system performance and to help the market understand the system design components that are effective and desirable in New York.

Ten manufactured homes in Long Island are on a centralized ground loop heat exchanger. Using our whole-stack approach for data-driven assessments, Frontier validated and collected readings from high-accuracy BTU meters on the central loop and the 10 individual heat pumps’ BTU meters, power meters, and other sensors. We combined the collected data and monthly bills to quantify the overall energy performance of the heating and cooling equipment, compare pre- and post-retrofit energy use, and determine energy, cost, and greenhouse gas savings.

Heat pump and BTU meter photo
A BTU meter measures fluid flow and temperature difference between the inputs and outputs,
and calculates the energy transferred through the heat pump.
Frontier Energy’s energy monitoring enclosure photo
Frontier’s energy monitoring enclosure that automatically collects, stores,
and transmits measured data points to our servers.

Frontier staff Nick Genzel and Carina Paton especially enjoyed interviewing the homeowners early in the project and again after they had experienced both a summer and winter on the community heat pump loop. Nick and Carina compared the homeowners’ perceptions to the measured reality.

“We found that homeowners saved more money than they expected or realized,” Nick said. “They talked about the electric bill they got every month but forgot about the propane or kerosene bill they no longer paid.” Carina added, “With quality data, we can prove the realized system performance and energy savings rather than rely on the homeowners’ feelings.”

This project was so successful that National Grid are now looking to replicate this model at scale in Upstate New York and Massachusetts.

Frontier is ready to support future demonstrations and on a much larger scale to promote this transformational electrification technology. We continue to work with NYSERDA to develop a performance monitoring standard that ensures collection of the data that is necessary to track and evaluate the performance of projects in NYSERDA’s Community Heat Pump Systems program. We also provide technical assistance to developers to implement these standards.

Contact Nick Genzel to talk about how we can help you quantify the performance of your community project.

Originally written by Adam Walburger, Frontier Energy —

