Pilot Story: Can ‘Smart’ (Internet-of-Things Connected) Solar Energy Systems Provide Reliable Energy to Health Clinics in Rural Zimbabwe?

See the story of the pilot and our insights on solar energy tech: here

Bojan Božović
Frontier Tech Hub
1 min readDec 11, 2020


Rural clinic in Jari, Zimbabwe, one site of where an IoT-powered solar energy system was installed

“Within one month we witnessed a 10x increase in night-time procedures including deliveries. This underscores the power of lighting above all for clinics. Expectant late term mothers in the community had previously been told to bring their own candles for their delivery and opted to stay home. As word spread that both Jari and Kahmonde Clinics now had reliable 24 hour electricity, clinic attendance soared.”

At the Frontier Technologies Hub, we work with UKAid to explore how emerging technologies can help to solve the variety of challenges found in developing country contexts.

In this case study, we present the story and reflect on a completed pilot project from Zimbabwe, which looked to see whether health facilities in rural Zimbabwe could provide more service and if health outcomes would improve thanks to IoT-connected solar energy systems.

You can find the publication here: LINK



Bojan Božović
Frontier Tech Hub

Promoting innovation and private sector growth in international development; Project Manager of Frontier Technology Livestreaming. Views are my own.