Pilot Story: Will access to sex-positive and reproductive health information through a chatbot lead to increased contraceptive use amongst Kenyan youth?

Ruth McPake
Frontier Tech Hub
Published in
Dec 9, 2020

See the story of the pilot and our insights on chatbots here

The team sees tremendous potential in the bot as an integral part of a positive, supportive and more holistic digital ecosystem where consumers can access accurate, quality assured sexual reproductive health (SRH) information.

a screenshot of the first iteration of the chatbot

At the Frontier Technologies Hub, we work with UKAid to explore how emerging technologies can help to solve the variety of challenges found in developing country contexts.

In this pilot story, we reflect on our SRH chatbot pilot project from Kenya, which explored the potential for pleasure content to influence engagement with the SRH bot itself and outcomes.

You can find the publication here.

