Smart DeFi Notifications on Mobile

Stay Alert, Stay SAFU with Frontier’s smart DeFi Notifications.

Frontier Wallet
3 min readApr 15, 2020


DeFi Notifications on Frontier

Frontier is excited to introduce Smart DeFi Notifications on Mobile. Get notified on every minuscule change associated with your DeFi Positions on your smartphone and manage your positions better at the same time. Hence making it super easy for users to Track, Notify, and Manage DeFi all at a single place.

Frontiers Notifications Module

1. Ethereum and ERC20

  • Incoming and Outcoming Transactions: Notifies when you receive ETH or any ERC-20 tokens on your Ethereum Address.
  • Interaction with Smart contracts: Notifies when you interact with any Smart contract.
  • Dex Trades: Notifies when you perform any DEX Trades.

2. MakerDAO and InstaDApp

  • Anti Liquidation Alerts: Notifies if you are Vaults or CDPs are at Risk of getting Liquidated. So that users can perform necessary actions such as Repay or Supply to avoid getting the vault or CDP getting liquidated.
  • Stability fees change: Notifies when there is a change in MakerDAO’s Stability fees.
  • Borrow, Repay, Supply, Collateral: Notifies when performing these operations.
  • Supply and Borrowing (InstaDApp): Notifies when performing Lending an asset or Borrowing an Asset into Compound Finance.

4. Compound Finance

  • Supply and Borrowing: Notifies when performing Lending an asset or Borrowing an Asset into Compound Finance.

5. TokenSets

  • Set Rebalance: Notifies when your TokenSet rebalances.

6. iEarn Finance

  • Supply and withdraw: Notifies when performing Lending an asset or Withdrawing an Asset into Compound Finance.

Note: Frontier never asks users to import private keys or seed phrases nor we support wallet creation. The user chooses the preferred wallet and signs the transaction on the wallet side.

Why DeFi Notifications is Crucial

Users shared by DeFi Protocols. Data Source: Alethio

The Above infographic shows the number of users shared by multiple DeFi Protocols. On average, a sophisticated user uses at least 2 protocols. It becomes crucial for these users to stay updated with all activities associated with their DeFi Positions and Ethereum Address.

These notifications play an essential role in a scenario where User’s MakerDAO Vaults or CDPs are under the Risk of getting Liquidated. Getting notified about the Vault situation at the right time will help the user to manage their positions better by either closing the positions or supplying more collateral and avoid the Risk of getting liquidated.

Experience DeFi. Experience Frontier.

Frontier is a mobile-first, user-facing application. Frontier natively integrates multiple DeFi Protocols and wallets, making it super easy for users to Track, View, and Manage positions across various DeFi protocols in real-time without having to give away private keys.

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Frontier Wallet

Frontier natively integrates multiple DeFi Protocols and wallets making it super easy for users to Track, View and Manage positions across DeFi protocols