Press Release: Anatomage Table 10 Brings High-Resolution Imaging to Virtual Dissection, Unveiling a New Cadaver and Cutting-Edge Birth Simulation

August 30, 2023

Cullen Burnell
Frontiers in Health
3 min readAug 30, 2023


Anatomage, a leader in 3D medical imaging technology, today announces Anatomage Table 10. The new release furthers Anatomage’s legacy of digitizing real anatomy and introduces exclusive anatomical contents and groundbreaking features that elevate users’ clinical education and training. Learners, educators and professionals can experience a cadaver of an older adult impacted by cancer and engage with a fully interactive 3D simulation of the childbirth process. Table 10 software delivers high-definition imaging to offer authentic visualization of human bodies.

For years, Anatomage Bodies — digital cadavers made from real human bodies — have provided a comprehensive real anatomy database for education and training. Now with Table 10, these real-human digital cadavers are enhanced with superior quality, magnifying details as small as 0.2 mm. Students can zoom into the Anatomage Bodies for regional views with extreme clarity without switching to separate regional scans. This enhancement aids in visualizing complex anatomy and diseases at the gross anatomy level.

“We are relentlessly dedicated to enhancing our content and software,” said Dr. Jack Choi, the founder and CEO of Anatomage. “The quality and precision of our current cadaver bodies have undergone significant enhancements with Table 10. Users can now experience vastly improved resolutions, particularly in cases involving gross body examination. After a diligent two-year endeavor, we have successfully finalized a new senior cadaver body.”

The Table 10 software introduces a new male cadaver, called Hans, reconstructed from an actual 70-year-old patient who passed away from lung cancer. Hans showcases an intricate muscular and vascular system, enabling a thorough look at geriatric anatomy. Students can examine Hans to discover the natural aging process, including changes in muscle mass, skeletal structures, and organ functionality. The cadaver also delivers visual insights into conditions commonly affecting older populations, including metastasized cancer and tumors in the liver, pancreas and chest wall, promoting understanding and treatment of patients in this age group.

The Birth Simulation, another addition to Table 10, offers the world’s first fully 3D interactive birth simulation featuring real anatomy. Visualizing childbirth and delivery is challenging as most existing visual materials do not offer 3D views. With the Birth Simulation, learners can fully visualize in 3D from any angle the anatomical transformation taking place inside a pregnant body during the different stages of labor, including: the cervical dilation, infant rotation and head movements, and the release of the placenta. As learners interact, rotate and peel back different parts of anatomy, they can identify critical anatomical structures prone to complications during the normal childbirth process and deepen their understanding of pregnancy and the entire childbirth process.

“The revolutionary Birth Simulation featured in Table 10 signifies a monumental leap in the field of physiological simulation,” said Dr. Choi. “Leveraging our most complete and accurate 3D anatomy database, we wanted to craft the most realistic physiological simulations. The intricacies of the birthing process exceed common perceptions. To date, no entirely anatomically precise 3D simulation has existed. Through harnessing our proprietary data and software, we undertook the ambitious task of developing the most authentic birth simulation. The results have exceeded our expectations, and I am confident that this advancement will prove invaluable for both medical professionals and students.”

In addition, Table 10 offers advanced features for real-world clinical experience:

  • Advancements in Cardiology Simulation: Investigate arrhythmias, including atrial and ventricular fibrillations, and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd degree heart blocks
  • Extensive Anatomical Database: Delve into 1,189 segmented histology slides and 75+ unique 3D scans from real human cadaver prosections.
  • Realistic Simulations: Practice with clinical-based tools such as Endoscopic Flythroughs, Vascular Grow and Ultrasound Viewer.
  • Precision in Dissection: Enhance your ability to dissect structures with surgical precision using the Point-to-Point Dissection Tool.

Table 10 sets a new standard for studying anatomy and paves the way for an extensive, scientific exploration into the human body that will benefit generations to come.


About Anatomage
A market leader in medical imaging technology, Anatomage offers an ecosystem of 3D anatomy hardware and software, allowing users to visualize world-class content at the highest level of accuracy. Through its highly innovative products, Anatomage is transforming standard anatomy learning, medical diagnosis, and treatment planning.

Contact: Jennifer Manning
Phone: (408) 885–1474



Cullen Burnell
Frontiers in Health

VP & Chief of Staff, Global Health and Purpose @ FINN Partners