How UAP research led two brothers to have UAP sightings in Canada

Syed Khaleque
Frontiers of Reality
9 min readFeb 5, 2023


Writing about the links connecting UAPs, Quantum Physics, Parapsychology, and Psychedelics to Human Consciousness

Hi there! We are two brothers, Syed & Amer, writing about scientific evidence that links people who have seen UAPs to having psychic abilities or witnessing further anomalous phenomena.

We will explore the science of parapsychology and the roles that psychedelics play in the evolution of humanity and our consciousness.

We are writing this Journal because our causal UAP research led us to witness UAP sightings on two separate dates in November 2022. Both times we just finished packing our boat after fishing. Both locations were near Stoney Lake in Southern Ontario, Canada.

For a detailed report of our UAP sightings and how we think it relates to Dr. Jacques Vallée and his UAP “Control-System Hypothesis,” read our Journal entry here:

This journal serves as a visual journey and a catalog for our evolving thoughts. It is also a place to track all the experts in Quantum Physics, Parapsychology, and other fields.

We will track the mind-blowing theories that already exist. It is imperative to keep an open mind as you read through all the ideas. We suspect quite a few of them are true. After all, it is a big Universe :)

Without hyperbole, we warn you to prepare for a possible ontological shock. This Journal might make you question everything you know. Our UAP research and the subsequent sightings caused us to have a recent paradigm shift. Existential questions will arise, and there are no easy answers.

For ease of narration, Syed will write most of the Journal from his first-person point of view.

So where to start? Well, my whole adult life, I had been an atheist and a firm materialist with regard to consciousness, believing in what I learned in mainstream science and media.

I never believed in anything that did not have any scientific evidence. Paranormal topics like telepathy, precognition, Djinns, poltergeists, cattle mutilations (wtf), and yes, aliens were the realm of science fiction and fantasy.

You’re no doubt asking yourself, how on Earth did Syed pivot from worshiping hard science to believing in the “paranormal”? Well, therein lies my primary motivation for sharing this journal with you.

I found a substantial amount of direct evidence, presented by credible scientists, that some paranormal topics are indeed quite real.

These serious academics have found that there is a potential link that connects people who have had UAP sightings to parapsychological phenomena like telepathy and precognition.

Our journey into the paranormal world began by reading a New York Times article on UAPs.

What exactly is a “UAP?” It is easy for the Government to confuse and delay disclosure by hiding behind acronyms.

UAP is now defined by NASA & the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) as “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena.”

In the summer of 2020, The DOD formed (AARO), The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to address a growing number of UAP reports by U.S. military personnel.

I recommend this guide for a quick, interactive introduction to the UAP aspect of the Phenomenon. For readers who already know what UAPs are, feel free to skip ahead.

UAP Guide

My introduction to the paranormal world started in December 2017 when I read this New York Times article written by Leslie Kean.

The article came with three videos of UAPs displaying non-human technology, which the Pentagon has since confirmed as authentic UAP recordings.

  1. “GO FAST” — by an unknown U.S. Navy pilot in 2015 off the coast of Florida.
  2. “GIMBAL” video — by an unknown U.S. Navy pilot in November 2004 off the coast of California.
  3. “FLIR” video — by Lt. Commander Chad Underwood in his F-18 Hornet in November 2004 off the coast of California.

I encourage you to read the article and watch UAP videos as well because this is milestone event; an irrefutable UAP confirmation with multiple credible witnesses.

Here are the key takeaways from what happened:

  • In 2007 the Pentagon started a UAP study task force called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP) at the request of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
  • Sen. Reid himself was influenced to investigate UAPs by billionaire UFO investigator Robert Bigelow.
  • According to AATIP Director Luis Elizondo, the Pentagon, and AAITP have a lot of High Definition, close-up videos of UAPs, and classified signals data such as RADAR intercepts. However, the US Department of Defense swept away any further investigations, and Luis Elizondo resigned from AATIP.
  • Deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence Christopher Mellon has also come out in support of disclosure. He teamed with Luis Elizondo and Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 fame and founded To The Stars Academy.
  • To The Stars Academy then obtained and released the UAP videos to Leslie Kean, who then published them in the New York Times.
  • In 2020 the US Department of Defense acknowledged that the NYT UAP videos were authentic:
  • For an in-depth investigation into how these parties helped push along disclosure of UAPs from the government to the media, I recommend this Vox article:

So if UAPs are real, that would have many implications for our society.

In the next section, let’s see what American politicians and military officials have to say.

On the 17th of May, 2022, the U.S House Intelligence Subcommittee held congressional hearings with top military officials to discuss UAPs. This was the first public hearing into UAP sightings in America in over 50 years.

Here is the 10-minute summary video by CNET, and my notes are below:

Scotty doesn’t know.
  • 1:10: Deputy Director of Navy Intelligence, ONI, Scott Bray shows a video of a metallic sphere-shaped UAP. Pretty Neat!
  • 3:04: Rep. Adam Schiff UAPs “move without any visible means of propulsion.”
  • 5:20: Rep. Gallagher talks about the US Nuclear Malmstrom Base UFO incident and asks why it isn’t being investigated by DNI right now. He asks them to investigate UAP events back to 1945, and this request could pay off with additional disclosure in the future.
  • 7:19: Rep. Krishnamoorthi asks if we have attempted to “communicate” with these UAPs and if we “discharged any weapons.” Yikes!
Illustration of a Tic-Tac UAP

This Congressional hearing is far from the first time politicians have commented on the UAP topic. This interactive UAP Guide has outstanding quotes.

There is footage and records of objects in the skies. We don’t know exactly what they are. We can’t explain how they moved, their trajectory. — President Obama

I don’t believe they are coming from foreign adversaries. That would suggest they have a technology that is in a whole different sphere than anything we understand, and frankly China and Russia just aren’t there, and neither are we by the way… — Sen. Mitt Romney CNN interview

We heard from journalists, politicians, and high-ranking military officials.

The following section will tell the story of the US Navy pilots who have given detailed interviews of their encounters.

In the years since the New York Times 2017 UAP article by Leslie Kean was released, several key witnesses have given interviews on what they saw.

The first location was near San Diego, CA, in 2004, where F-18 Hornet fighter pilots from the USS Nimitz captured footage of Tic Tac UAPs in the “GO Fast” & “FLIR” videos.

Commander David Fravor was the Commanding Officer of the Black Aces squadron operating from the USS Nimitz. Here is his story:

  • He was on a training mission with his wingmate Lt. Alex Dietrich when they received a call about a radar contact with an unknown object.
  • They went to investigate and saw the object, which CMDR. Fravor describes looking like a “white Tic-Tac” about 40 ft long with no wings or visible cockpit, hovering in the air right above the roiling ocean.
  • As he flew his F-18 down, the Tic-Tac UAP spotted him, abruptly turned, and moved up, mirroring his movements.
  • The Tic-Tac then accelerated at impossible speeds and disappeared.
  • Seconds later, the USS Princeton radar reacquired the target, 60 miles away at their CAP [combat air patrol rendezvous] point.

Dear reader, my question to you is this: how would the UAP know about the CAP rendezvous point?

Think about it. My hypothesis is at the end of the article.

  • Commander Fravor landed his fighter on the Nimitz. He asked his Executive Officer, Lt. CMDR Chad Underwood, to “look out for something out there.”
  • Lt. Underwood captured the UAP via his FLIR camera in this now infamous video, also confusingly called “FLIR.”

“It was just behaving in ways that aren’t physically normal. Because, aircraft, whether they’re manned or unmanned, still have to obey the laws of physics. They have to have some source of propulsion. The Tic Tac was not doing that. It was going from like 50,000 feet to, you know, a hundred feet in like seconds, which is not possible.” — Lt. CMDR Underwood

CMDR. Fravor’s wingmate, Lt. Alex Dietrich, also described her encounter in this PBS News segment: Navy pilot describes encounter with ‘Tic Tac.’

Lieutenant Colonel “Cheeks” Kurth saw the UAPs and talked about it here: UFO Videos | Are UFOs Real. However, he never did public interviews and took a job at Bigelow Advanced Aerospace Space Studies in Las Vegas.

In addition to these pilots, the USS Princeton, Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, was tracking UAPs on its radar.

US Navy Chief Master-at-Arms Sean Cahill was the USS Princeton’ Radar operator. In this CNN interview, he explains what he saw:

“It moved at hypersonic velocities and preceded the pilots to their rendezvous. It seemed to know where the pilots were going ahead of time.” —US Navy Chief Master-at-Arms Sean Cahill.

The fact that UAPs flew to the CAP point suggests that UAPs are precognitive. Or perhaps, they can read our thoughts?

What is your hypothesis? Please comment; we would love to hear it!

I postulate that the UAPs my brother and I saw near Stony Lake, Canada were precognitive, given how they behaved.

Here is another link to the report of our UAP sightings and how we think it relates to the Control-System Hypothesis and the Pauli-Jung Conjecture on Synchronicities:

Interview Source List:

David Favor: NBC News Interview, Lex Fridman Podcast #122, Joe Rogan #1361 — Cmdr. David Fravor & Jeremy Corbell

Sean Cahill:

Chad Underwood: CBS News

“I’ll let the nerds do the math on what it was likely to be,” Chad Underwood said at the time. “I just happened to be the person that brought back the video.”

My reaction to Chad:



Syed Khaleque
Frontiers of Reality

Writing about the links connecting UAPs, Quantum Physics, Parapsychology, and Psychedelics to Human Consciousness