From Legacy To Leader: Next Generation Of Banking Report

Kathleen McCaffrey
Frontira | Strategy & Implementation


Introducing our free report which highlights actionable insights & solutions for traditional banks to pursue their own — successful — transformation.

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Why focus on the banking industry?

The finance market has seen huge innovations in recent years.

From the founding of new finance services such as PayPal all the way back in 1998 to the introduction of mandatory open banking regulations in many countries today.

Finance institutions have little choice but to embrace digitization and challenge even their most fundamental assumptions as traditional banks.

We look to the future…

For perhaps the first time, the idea that
the future will be better is under serious and
sustained threat.”

Elina Mattila, Executive Director, Mobey Forum

…Identify emerging opportunities

Our changing financial world has led to some key differences being identified between the Millennial and their preceding generation. They’re earning less, there’s a decrease in ownership and hints of more frivolous spending.

…and advise on solutions for traditional banks

In response to these changing habits, banks need to re-evaluate the value they deliver to this demographic.
They need to challenge even their most fundamental assumptions as traditional banks.

With so much influence on expectations within the finance market coming from even totally unrelated industries, banks need to become ‘learning companies’— Nathalie Doré — Previous CEO of L’Atelier North America.

Banks should learn and apply best practices from other sectors, and support and sustain this innovation with both a customer-centric corporate culture and a flexible business model.

Applicability for other industries?

While there are fundamental differences between the finance and other industries, the approach to organizational transformation has many similarities.

Priorities remain the same as theory is based on intrinsic human behavior.

Key report highlights & takeaways

This report focuses on corporate culture transformation and business model transformation.

We dive into several success stories of organization-wide transformations of legacy businesses, explore the initiatives they put in place and share key learnings to aid other legacies who will pursue their own transformation.

Learnings include the key questions to ask and steps to take before communicating any change company-wide, and how to communicate change to minimize resistance and ensure success.

When it comes to transformation of a business model, we highlight the crucial first step of preparation and knowledge of existing resources and data.

Explore the industry insights, featured success stories and actionable learnings in the full report here — for free.

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Kathleen McCaffrey
Frontira | Strategy & Implementation

Marketing Strategist ⍟ You can always learn ⍟ Write when you can ⍟ Hoping to see much more of the world