How Established Businesses Master Agile Transformation — Conference Review


The Empowering Agile conference was held in Vienna on May 16th to kick-off the Empowering Agile community in Austria and across the DACH region.

Empowering Agile Main Stage

Created specifically for established businesses in German-speaking countries approaching or experiencing organizational transformation with an agile approach.

Organized by A1 Telekom Austria Group — an established telecom business actively applying agile methods to innovate, together with LHBS Consulting Berlin. The consultancy supporting and coaching them through this transformation who specialize in making legacy organizations customer-centric and agile.

Attended by 70+ established businesses plus many other smaller teams and individuals interested in the topic, this conference was a complete success for the first ever hosting.

Attendees gather in the main lobby for drinks, snacks & chats
Attendees joining one of the many breakout workshops

Speakers included KEBA’s CEO Gerhard Luftensteiner, Porsche Informatik’s CEO, CDO and 2019 CIO of the year Manfred Immitzer, Swisscom Schweiz’s Learning Architect Martin Geisenhainer, Haufe Group’s Head of Brand Experience Uwe Habicher, Deutsche Bahn’s Head of New Horizons — New Digital Business Martin Johann Fröhlich, BMW Group’s Agile Transformation Agent Marcus Raitner and many others.

(left) Marcus Raitner of BMW Group, (right) Gerhard Luftensteiner of KEBA
Martin Geisenhainer of Swisscom Schweiz participating in a panel discussion
(left to right) Manfred Immitzer of Porsche Informatik, Natascha Kantauer-Gansch of A1, Barbara Aigner of Kunde21 & Peter Bosek of Erste Bank Group.
Joanna Bakas of LHBS Consulting Berlin sharing A Practical Approach to Implementing Agile in Legacy Organizations

We were honored to have so many inspiring speakers share their own organizational transformation experiences and learnings — the good and the bad. This real reflection is something we believe is crucial for established businesses undertaking a transformation at this scale. To go into it with open eyes and know that challenges and obstacles are a given when implementing any change, but that the gains for the business and for individuals outweigh the difficulties.

By facilitating a dialogue between established businesses at various stages of the same journey, they can connect, support and gain valuable learnings from one another. Ultimately moving not only their organization forward into the future but contributing to the advancement of their entire region in ways of working and digitalization.

The team behind the event!

You can explore the topics that were discussed on our event website.

We invite any established businesses who wish to join in the ongoing conversation into organizational transformation with agile methods to join our Slack channel (German is the primary language of this workspace).

Please bear in mind, we will ensure this Slack space is primarily made up of established businesses across the DACH region to share and discuss experiences. We strive to keep it free from business promotion, lurkers and especially bots.

See you there!

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Kathleen McCaffrey
Frontira | Strategy & Implementation

Marketing Strategist ⍟ You can always learn ⍟ Write when you can ⍟ Hoping to see much more of the world