Strategies to Enter the Metaverse & Toilet Paper Raising Awareness of Cancer

Frontira | Strategy & Implementation


3 min readJun 30, 2022


Welcome to the next edition of our Bulletin, a selection of the latest and greatest in Strategic Design, and beyond. In this episode, we present you carousels on the strategy of brands who have already entered the metaverse. But first, Stefan, one of our Managing Partners, is giving an introduction to NFTs and related opportunities & challenges today in Linz. Take a look.

There will be a follow-up article about the talk available in German by Creative Region Linz & Upper Austria and we are preparing a Medium article in English. Stay tuned.

The metaverse is currently the hottest topic in business, with more and more brands wanting a slice of the cake. Each week, we examine an industry to present the biggest players who have already joined the hype.

Firstly, we have a piece on sportswear brands Adidas, Nike, and Puma, which examines there steps in the metaverse. Secondly, we took a look at how restaurants like Chipotle, McDonals, and many more are experimenting with web3. Thirdly, we decided to deep dive into luxury fashion, as it has also been influenced by the hype.

Gamification seems like a practical entrance, but rolling out NFTs is also a popular choice when it comes to experimenting with web3. For those wishing to stay cautious, metaverse enhanced real-life experiences can be the greatest solution.

If you want to get inspired on how to experiment with the metaverse and web3, check out our related content and stay tuned for other industries.

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Frontira | Strategy & Implementation

Frontira is a strategic design firm. We define, build, and scale digital products and services that generate new growth for leading companies.