The world needs to hear Pacific voices on climate change

Sign the Pacific Climate Warriors Declaration on Climate Change and #HaveYourSei

350 Pacific
Frontline Truths
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2017


The Pacific Climate Warriors are weary from waiting for the world to take the necessary action to address climate change. So they have decided to take matters into their own hands ahead of this year’s climate negotiations in Bonn, Germany.

The climate activists representing 12 Pacific Island nations have launched the Pacific Climate Warriors Declaration on Climate Change, outlining what needs to be done to avoid further climate catastrophe.

With Fiji having Presidency of COP 23 this year, the Warriors are working to ensure that Pacific voices are heard in the negotiations rooms in Bonn. The Warriors have already started engaging with communities and networks in different islands.

“Our voices from the frontlines will help decision makers behind closed doors shape adequate and fair climate policies that will help our people overcome the climate crisis.”

Billy Cava, New Caledonia

This Declaration, that is supported by Pacific Islanders across the region, is our collective voice on climate action. As the Tokelau Climate Warrior, I will not move away from my home and this is my responsibility and duty to protect my islands from the threat of climate change.”

Litia Maiava, Tokelau

“Tonga is my island paradise. As a Warrior from the kingdom, I have been taught to respect my culture, our traditions, and my family and our land. I will do everything that I can to fight for my home and will continue to declare “We are not drowning, we are fighting”

Silivesiteli Loloa, Tonga

“Signing this declaration means that you understand that our survival is at risk because of climate change. It means that you know that climate change threatens our traditional values, it means that you are committed to fighting alongside us to protect our island homes for our children and their children.”

Ramona Tugaga, Samoa

“Our call is one of survival. The world needs to hear Pacific voices and stories on climate change because we live the reality of this climate crisis, and collectively, we are demanding for CLIMATE ACTION NOW.”

George Nacewa, Fiji Islands

“It’s important that you sign our Declaration because, from Florida to Fiji, Climate Change is knocking at our door and it’s time we answer

The world needs to hear Pacific voices on climate change because, all the decisions made on paper today will affect us most in reality tomorrow

The world needs to hear Pacific voices on climate change because, our islands, culture and people lie in the eye of the storm .”

Brianna Fruean, Samoa

“There are so many Pacific people who have moved away from the islands and many of us live in places that contribute so much to Climate Change. No matter where we are, we are still Pacific people and if we can’t stand up for our families and loved ones back home on the islands then who will. The Pacific Climate Warrior Declaration is the voice of the youth of the Pacific.

This is our future fighting to be heard. Hear their call, sign the declaration and #HaveYourSei”

Joseph-Zane Sikulu, Tonga, Australia

“Je signe la déclaration, car en tant que jeune des îles du pacifique, je veux sauvegardé mon pays, ma terre,ma nature,ma mer et ma culture. Un jeune des îles du pacifique, peux importe l’endroit dans le monde où ils se trouve rentrera toujours dans son île natale pour œuvrer à la contribution de son pays avec intelligence mais aussi sauvegardé son patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériels.

I sign the declaration, because as a young person in the Pacific Islands, I want to safeguard my country, my land, my nature, my sea and my culture. A young person from the Pacific Islands, no matter where in the world they are, will always return to his native island to work for the contribution of his country with intelligence but also safeguarded its tangible and intangible cultural heritage.”

Sakiusa Terei, New Caledonia

Sign the Declaration at and share your story online using #HaveYourSei



Frontline Truths
Frontline Truths

Published in Frontline Truths

Stories from the frontlines of climate change. Young Pacific Islanders sharing their own truths about climate impacts and the resilience of their communities.

350 Pacific
350 Pacific

Written by 350 Pacific

350 Pacific is a youth led grassroots movement working with communities to fight climate change from the Pacific Islands.

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