Q&A :: Gaby Henderson

TStreet Media
FrontRow Magazine
Published in
4 min readMar 29, 2017

Actress, model, animator … Gaby is the incarnation of the new generation of influencers and trend creators. A great consumer of art in all these forms, this artist was the ideal person to animate ArtCore.

Name : Gaby Henderson

Occupation : Actor/ TV Host

Instagram: @gabyhenderson

What is your definition of the word “art”?

“Art” isn’t just an object or a performance. I can’t describe art in words because to me, art is something that evokes the feeling you get when time stops and you feel everything in the universe all at once.

For how long have you been an artist?

Hmmm I guess as long as I remember existing? I don’t always like labeling myself as an “artist” because I know some people see actors more as part of the story than artists, but whatever I am, I have always been drawn to creativity since I was a child. I was always the kid with my head up in the clouds, reading a book or creating a performance of some kind when I should have been doing my math homework. Whether it be acting, music, art, or dance it’s always been where my heart goes.

What inspires you daily?

Life inspires me. Great work inspires me. People inspire me. The world is full of random surprises and gifts that I am always trying to be present to and grateful for. It could be a moody sunset, a random act of kindness or love that I witness on the street, or a conversation getting to know a stranger. Life is full of inspiration if you just open your eyes and heart and are present to it.

What is your greatest challenge?

I think being able to let the rejection bounce off of you and to keep moving forward. In most jobs you aren’t rejected 95% of the time. It can be frustrating that even if you are the most skilled at your job, you still may not get the part for a multitude of reasons. It can make you insecure really quickly, so it’s super important to nourish your soul and obtain a strong sense of self and try not to take it personally. This is easier said than done, but you truly have to believe that weren’t chosen because you weren’t the right fit for a project and that it was not meant for you, not because you aren’t a worthy human being. La La Land got it so right.

How do you keep overcoming that challenge?

Meditation has been something I’ve been exploring recently and I also always do yoga to gain perspective. It helps me realize how small of a speck we are actually are in the universe. In the grander scheme of things it’s just acting. I also do some volunteer stuff at Sick Kids where we do Improv Shows for the kids admitted in the hospital and that has really woken me up to how much it’s not about you, but about how you can serve others and make them happy. That’s what performing is about..letting people suspend their reality for a moment and immersive themselves in a brand new world whether it be to laugh, cry, or learn something new about themselves.

What is the most exciting part of your job?

Connecting with human beings, helping them discover something about themselves or a character they may have never seen before. Basically, getting to immerse myself in a brand new person through story, wardrobes, sets, all the little parts that make it come together …it’s pretty magical when you think about it. What recently came true into your life that you would never have thought possible? I think a lot of things in my life seem like a dream come true sometimes. This is all I ever dreamed about growing up, so the fact I get paid to wake and go to set sometimes, I still can’t believe it’s a real job. I’ve had too many “pinch me” moments to count and I try to remind myself to always stay grateful for all the wonderful things and people that have come into my life so far. Which art current or trend are you currently excited about? I’ve been learning a lot more about 3D imaging and virtual reality working on this series, which is something that is super new for me. I love all things futuristic, so I’m excited to see how technology will play into how the art world evolves.

What would you like to see more of in the art world/industry?

I think more inclusivity in the traditional art circles. Art can be intimidating for a lot of people if they didn’t grow up around it or they don’t have an art history degree and are scared to walk into a gallery alone. But art is for everyone. That’s why I think Instagram is opening up people’s eyes to experience art in a new way and discover artists they may not have otherwise. Which artist would you want the world to discover? I was just in L.A. at The Broad and got a chance to experience Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirrored Room which was so beautiful. The experience was like the whole universe enveloped me. I think her story is super fascinating and she’s 87 and still creative and making art. I find that incredibly inspiring. Her exhibition is coming to the AGO for the only Canadian stop, but not until 2018, so I’m waiting patiently to experience her work again and you should too!

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FrontRow Magazine

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