FrontSpot Digest #175 (ENG)

Published in
1 min readAug 3, 2018

Page load speed, new design trends, debugging NodeJS applications, what’s new in Chrome 68, and lots of more cool stuff…


Each individual interaction with developed product should be user-friendly. Therefore, in addition to solving engineering problems, it would be cool to know design solutions that are now in the trend. Even in such seemingly simple things as background, slider, scroll.

We have already mentioned the competency matrix Fullstack JS developer. To close the graph ‘computer science’, you should go over the list of the most popular algorithms, which are described here quite clearly.

The heart of every JS framework is, of course, pure JS. GitHub — is an extra proof that framework — not an obligatory attribute of a web development.

When it comes to talking about state management, you may involuntarily remember about Redux, MobX, Vuex. How to implement it yourself you will find here.

Another collection of parsing the reasons for the lag of rendering and ways to deal with them.

FullStory — simple way to understand how quickly pages are loaded for real clients on every imaginary browser, device type or network connection.

NodeJS debugging in Chrome DevTools has become very user friendly with ndb.

Chrome 68 Released. What’s New For Developers? Page Lifecycle API for you to detect when your tab has been suspended or restored, the Payment Handler API, and lots of neat DevTools improvements.


The vacation period is in its progress, that’s why there are not a lot of events this week.

August 23, 2018, Wroclaw, Poland, Angular Wroclaw.




Engineering Manager | Mentor | Cloud Certified