Product update: New slideshow, Popup links and more

Sandijs Ruluks
Froont design
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2016

We are improving Froont on a daily basis. This is where you’ll find our updates big and small on what’s new regularly.

We just launched a new, more functional Slideshow widget, added Links to popups and the ability to add Custom cover images to make publishing process smoother. Scroll down to read more!

Upload your own cover image

You can upload your own cover image for the page (Open Graph image). It’s used when you share your page on social networks like Facebook.

Add an image in the right hand-side panel

Adding one is simple. Just upload an image and that’s the one that will be taken as a cover. In some cases, you’ll see Facebook isn’t showing the latest image, though. To make Facebook look for the most recent image go to the Open Graph debugger and press the Scrape again button.

Brand new slideshow widget

Slideshow just became more flexible. Now you can switch between multiple transition modes like Fade, Slide, Cover flow, Cube and Flip. Also change the slideshow direction from horizontal to vertical. Check out this project to see the new slideshow in action.

Popups have links now

Now you can easily go back to the main page after opening popups

Why a popup window needs a link you might wonder? Because you can use them in many ways and having a link allows you to directly share the popup URL and also use the browser's back and forward buttons. Check out this example:

Domain name check

Never forget to add that separate DNS record again

What we learned from you is that now always you know that and technically are two separate names and need a separate DNS record. This tiny improvement checks just for that. If you forgot to add www we'll notify you! So that you can always be sure your website works.

More updates and fixes

There are plenty of them and these are the main ones:

  • Fix gallery in exported code
  • Add ability to add Typekit ID to your exported code
  • Leave JS files in separate folder during the export
  • Fix visual class naming on paste
  • Fix sticky navigation z-index
  • Fix flex-grid clearfix
  • Fix child class is not applied when selected in text properties dropdown

Thanks for reading! If you found it useful, please tap the ❤ below! ;)

Sandijs Ruluks and the Froont team

