$800k in Liquidity, 2.6k investors, 7% Bonus Round for Cyber Monday

FrostFlakes is crushing through major milestones

3 min readNov 27, 2022


Let’s start this round of updates with some recent testimonials sourced from our telegram group.

We greatly appreciate the abundance of authentic testimonials from investors in our community

7% Bonus Round

This Cyber Monday, November 28, 2022, at 11am PST we will be launching a bonus round, where all deposits and airdrops will receive a 7% bonus.

About Frost Flakes

If you are new here, let’s start with a quick recap about how FrostFlakes works and what makes us different.

FrostFlakes is a hybrid Miner and ROI DApp on the Binance Smart Chain. We don’t have our own token, but rather investors deposit BNB, where it becomes locked, and in exchange, BNB gets returned back to them at a rate of 2% every 24 hours. These rewards must compounded at least six times over at least six days in order to be able to withdraw on day seven (or not). This forced 6:1 compound to withdraw ratio is an integral part of our protocol which also greatly increases our sustainability.

The other main characteristics of our protocol is that portions of every deposit are injected to external revenue-generating streams, which include our proprietary Bot Army (658 BNB), as well as staked on the decentralized exchange, Pancake Swap (PCS) (863 BNB). Our Bot Army consists of a series of adaptive grid-DCA bots, which are only programed to execute profitable trades. A dashboard of our bots performance is available for anyone to see on our website. We earn rewards on PCS, which we compound on a daily basis. The longer these streams are compounded, the more they will produce to pay out future rewards, when needed. The 50% of every deposit that goes directly to the contract balance has been sufficiently handling the withdrawals of the protocol.

Our recent milestones

With the introduction to our protocol out of the way, lets dig in to our updates:

  • We have hit 2.6k investors
  • Our total available liquidity (net balance of deposits and withdrawals) is 2.56k BNB or roughly $800k USD
  • Our telegram group is over 1k members, and is virtually spam free
  • 50% of every deposit has always been enough to handle the withdrawals
  • Our largest deposit has been 50 BNB
  • We have over 5 community wallets

Update on our Bot Army

Our proprietary bots are currently earning real yield during this bear market. All of the trades are visible on our dashboard. Our best performing bot has completed 39 closed sequences and has earned 12.61% profit over its six-week lifetime. Here is a screen shot of current bot army performance:

Our Bots are earning real yield. All trades are visible.

New bot platform

In addition to our bot army, we are now utilizing a new bot platform called JetBots, which we will use to diversify our bot strategies. JetBots allows us to make use of our own bots in addition to being able to deploy copy bot trading strategies based on other professional traders on the platform.

AMA with Crypto Phil

Tomorrow (Cyber Monday) at 11am PST, we will be joining CryptoPhil’s telegram group for a live AMA! This AMA is going to be roughly 30 min. If you want to hear more updates, that will be a great time to get the latest news from us.



The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice.

