How to invest in Aliens? 3 iPhone 12 Pro for the best answers.

Pierre Entremont
Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2021

Frst is a seed-stage VC firm focused on supporting a new generation of French entrepreneurs with global ambitions.

In 1749, the Academy of Dijon opened a contest with the following question: « Did the progress of Sciences and Arts contribute to corrupt or refine the customs? ». The « Discourse on the Arts and Sciences » by Rousseau obtained the first prize and made its entry into the history of literature.

Unlike Rousseau, we believe in progress and spend a lot of time anticipating the substantive changes who will build the entrepreneurial successes of tomorrow. Covid is one of them.

The discovery of an intelligent alien life would undoubtedly be one as well. Unlikely in the short term of course but not impossible as evidenced by two serious New York Times articles from 2020: No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public and Do We Believe in U.F.O.s? That’s the Wrong Question.

This subject has considerably mushroomed end of December 2020 when the American Senate voted a law which gives the Pentagone 6 months to reveal any information it may have on aliens.

What if evidences of intelligent alien life were to be revealed by summer? What would be the consequences on the world, and on the economy? This question has animated numerous debates at Frst, to the point where we decided to raise it more widely.

Just as the Academy of Dijon, we are opening a contest with the following question:

How to invest in aliens?

Or in its longer version: What impact would the discovery of intelligent alien life have on the economy, and how one could invest to prepare for it?

The 3 best answers will be rewarded with an iPhone 12 Pro 256 Go.

A few details:

  • Deadline for submitting your answer: 28th February, 2021
  • Release of the 5 winning answers on 12th March, 2021
  • 200 words maximum, in French or English
  • Procedure for applying (see example below): 1) Post the text on your chosen social media (Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook…) with the following introduction « My answer for the contest : How to invest in aliens ? » and “Proposed investment : XXX” (an action, a clue, a raw material, a start-up idea… 2) Send the link of the post to the following email address:
  • The Jury consists of Frst’s investment team: Pierre Entremont, Bruno Raillard, Gabriel de Vinzelles
  • Full rules of the contest available here. Open participation and completely free.

See you on the other side!

