Frugal Friday

How to Sterilize Recycled Pickle Jars and Save Money

Quick, cheap, and easy vacuum sealing and preserving Polish stew.

Karen Madej
Frugal Friday
Published in
3 min readFeb 1, 2020


Author’s own photo.

In this day and age, I wonder what we would do without a freezer. After all a freezer is essential, isn’t it? Where would we put all those drastically reduced on the last day of their expiration date Chinese ready meals from Marks & Spencer? Those gel eye masks to soothe our dehydrated eyes following a night on the straight-from-the-freezer Russian vodka? Or how would we make ice for our drinks?

I don’t have a freezer in my rented, furnished flat. The kitchen is so compact there isn’t a space for one. Unless someone were to saw off a freezer-sized section of the counter. I’d miss the counter space, though.

We adapt to the situation, don’t we? Years ago I made a huge pot of Polish Hunter’s Stew (bigos in Polish) to take to a girls’ get together for the Day of the Dead.

The question of how to transport the contents of the pot arose, which caused me to investigate…

