Mondays — distraction to action

Mathews George
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2020

We are prone to distraction on #Mondays. The chill of the weekend thaws and the heat of the new week begins. Those who are able to recognize what distracts them can correct it and change their course towards excellence and fruitfulness. Others sink into the cycle of mediocrity.

A chilling picture of such distraction emerges in Luke chapter 19. In v.47 Luke tells us that “everyday” Jesus was teaching at the temple. Every single day, once he got to Jerusalem. And what were the chief priests and the teachers of the law doing ? They were trying to kill him. Aren’t they the one’s who are the temple insiders and the ones meant to teach and lead the people? Instead, this Rabbi from Galilee is at Jerusalem temple, teaching “everyday.” The next verse tells us that the ones plotting to kill could not find any way to do it because “all the people hung on his words.” That is because he spoke the words of life. He was doing what he came to do.

Mediocrity is the nowhere that we occupy when distracted. Our real call is to excellence. Yet our misunderstandings, our distractions often send us chasing something that is not meant to be on our radar. What is your goal this Monday morning? Where are you headed to in life? More importantly what’s drawing you mediocrity? Reign in your notifications and rework your to-do’s. As Alice is told by the Cheshire cat from wonderland, if you don’t know where you are going, then it doesn’t matter which road you take. Take action, and chart a new course. For that find out who you are and where you are going. Wish you a blessed week ahead.

#Monday #Mondayinspiration #inspiration #hope #mondayblues #fruitfulness #productivity #goal

