
“The ethereum killer is ethereum, the ethereum of China is ethereum, the ethereum of Taiwan is ethereum… 2.0.”

A new and more robust version of ethereum, ethereum 2.0, promises to facilitate more than 100 billion transactions per day. According to experts, the more advanced version of the blockchain, which is laden with high-end features that address the weaknesses associated with the current version, is set to be rolled out soon, after years of undergoing rigorous development work.

Insiders point out that one of the main features of the new version of the coin is that it is bound to use a technology called sharding. Sharding uses the logic of labor division to facilitate the speed at which nodes can handle millions of transactions. The technique divides nodes into specific groups and only assigns every group of nodes a set number of transactions at any given time. In the end, the total number of transactions that are processed by the node groups collectively rises dramatically unless what the case is currently.

Moreover, developers are working on adopting a range of technologies including the use of apps, 2-layer solutions like the Lightning Network and ZD-SNARK to address various bottlenecks associated with scaling the operations of the coin. There is an expectation that once all these measures are in place, users will experience faster, easy and permissionless transactions when using the coin.

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