The Stability in Crypto means Stable Product


The cryptocurrencies market has seen much turbulence in the since last year. Everywhere every day, Bitcoin became the main subject of “every” discussion. Catch a night sleep and when you wake up in the morning, just as quickly, its bubble burst. Initial coin offerings enjoyed a great deal of success; however, this has since changed as they slowly waste away in terms of the market value.

Meanwhile, security token offerings (STOs) and other breakthroughs are in contention to fill the void.

📏 As we speak, Bitcoin is officially in the longest stretch of declining prices in its decade of history. The market is bear- a period in which investor confidence has gone extremely low.

📉 Bitcoin, the world’s oldest and most valuable cryptocurrency which achieved an all-time high of $19,764 in Dec. 17, 2017 on the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index has now gone through successive series of lower prices. The prices have declined for 411 consecutive days, a stretch which surpasses the duration of the ill-famed 2013–2015 bitcoin bear market, which lasted 410 days of price decline.

With the persistent decline in the crypto value, who knows? 2019 could be the year of a “stable” coin. The stability here must not necessarily imply the hype around cryptocurrency but the real working product and the high-quality system behind the coin.

The instability in the crypto market in the past two years or so has left us with more learning to take. The change in the market weather has enabled us to identify the real priorities, and in 2019 the focus is on excellent Tech solution for banking, Therefore, beginning now, FSBT. tech is focusing only on developing the side of our project using the newest technologies available.

📢 You do realize that marketing is not all about quantity of information in circulation, but the quality guaranteed to the consumers. It is because of this reason that we have decided that we shall keep you informed more about our code improvement and technologies that we are using and shall use in our API

After such a meteoric rise, it’s hard to comprehend that bitcoin and other altcoins are now widely regarded as speculative assets. The volatility in the crypto is counterproductive — it is for this reason that is out to help make 2019, a year of the stable coin.

Last month, for example, our team of developers gathered to share ideas with intentions of entirely focusing on improving our systems and ensure implementation of better and high-quality coding in the system. The team further discussed ways of improving our documentation to offer our solution to various technology companies around the world.

📐 Therefore, what do we insinuate when we talk of 2019 as a year of the stable coin? Moreover, in what ways are we playing a part in this? A stable coin, to begin with, is a type of cryptocurrency that maintains a steady value respective to an underlying asset or basket. The primary goal here is to uphold the benefits of electronic, distributed coins like bitcoin and at the same time serving as a store of firm value and reliable mean of commerce exchange.

Our marketing team together with developer team are already working on a new article, to describe to you and give a step by step process on what we are doing in a more convenient and understandable language. We intend to make such technical information easily understandable and actionable.

🏆 On the performance related issue, recently, an Open Bank project emerged as the winner of the Best Technology Provider For Open API Standards at Global Open Banking Awards. If you are a constant follower of ours, by now you must have known that the Open Bank Project is the FSBT Open Bank Project API partner if you didn’t, now you know. We collaborate a lot if not all the time to prepare a great product to the end customer.

This award is a show of our involvement in innovation and at the same time supporting Open Banking Standards, especially in the digital identity, authentication and API technology.

💻 One thing for sure is that all of this investment and financial engineering leads to one primary motivation which is to create a less volatile, and decentralized digital asset. That same asset unlocks crypto use cases across the board such that the success of a stable coin is likely directly linked to the broader adoption of crypto and API technology.

With the intention of creating stable crypto in the investing front, the coin would reduce trading friction and give room for the investors to manage their risk without fully converting from pillar to post to fiat — every time hence triggering taxable events and often asking for bank integrations. That stable coin could also underlie margin trading.

What do experts think about the decline of crypto prices? Any possibility of manipulation of the prices?

Well, how do you explain the fall from $6000 to $3000? There may be some manipulation, especially at the exchange.

With our sight set on having stable crypto, Our team at will play a leading role in the Open Banking movement in the UK, Europe and beyond! The award from The Financial Data and Technology Association to our partners extensively explains the large hands we have had in creating awareness to the market and educating lawmakers to acknowledge the expert-approved solutions we are offering our clients and partners on the same level.

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