Blog #2 — Goals for Gap Year

Ishan Sood
FSU Gap Year Fellows
3 min readAug 9, 2018

Attempting to itemize or enumerate what I wish to accomplish during my gap year is quite an unfeasible task, as there is much I wish to do throughout these next twelve months. For the sake of this blog, I will simply have to downscale my ambition and condense my objectives into three general goals.

First and foremost, I wish to enhance my social skills and learn how to not only acquaint myself with, but befriend people from different countries, regions, backgrounds, or cultures. To achieve this, I intend to travel with an open and optimistic mind. I will be sure to stay vigilant, and observe how others may act in certain scenarios in order to assist me in adjusting to unfamiliar rules and norms. I’ll be sure to take initiative in situations, and ask questions when I am in need of clarification, as asking for help does not imply I am weak. I must also prepare myself to deal with a fair amount of anxiety, as I will be in an unfamiliar setting, and will more than likely experience a little bit of culture shock. It would also certainly be beneficial if I were able to learn local languages of the areas I stay in, at least enough to be able to engage in simple conversations.

A second goal of mine would be to receive as much hands on experience I possibly can. Whether I volunteer in clinics, local schools, or as a sanitation worker, I wish to make the most out of what I am assigned to do, as I would like this gap year to give me some insight into what major I may be interested in when returning to start classes at FSU, or what general career path I may want to consider down the road. To achieve this, I will arrive at my destination ready to work. I will pay close attention to what I am instructed to do, and will commit myself to whatever duty I am assigned to, as I tend to pick up quick on things, and will likely not take too long to get the hang of something. I will even take initiative and volunteer for any jobs or tasks that are available and need to be completed. From there on out, I will perform any given jobs, and will make sure to ask for help if needed. I will proceed to perceive which lines of duty interest me.

My last goal would be to simply come back from abroad as a more independent, responsible, and mature person. Not only will I be away from home, but I will be out of the United States, far beyond my typical comfort zone. I will be forced to handle more responsibilities, and will have to look after myself, all while in unfamiliar regions. If I am able to handle these little obstacles, and accomplish this goal, I believe this would be the ultimate testament to my ability to live on my own without the aid of my parents. The approach to this goal will require strict discipline. I will need to be on top of everything. I will need to manage my time wisely, and keep checklists and perhaps even utilize a daily planner, so that I will be able to forecast my day to the best of my abilities and have an agenda set. I will need to be on the dot with everything, as I won’t be able to afford falling behind schedule or falling off task. I will need to keep detailed inventory of my possessions, and make sure I do not lose or leave anything behind.

If I follow all these set guidelines, I am confident that I will be able to successfully meet these goals, and make my gap year a memorable and worthwhile experience.



Ishan Sood
FSU Gap Year Fellows

From South Florida; Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Alumni; Florida State University Student