Blog number 12

Rian Jackson
FSU Gap Year Fellows
3 min readJul 7, 2020

This blog seems to be one of my last. So, I thought I would address some things that people may want to know about my gap year. First off What were my favorite three things on my gap experience. Next what was most challenging for my gap year, as well as how my expectations for collage changed. Finally what are my goals for my time at FSU. These four questions are a good rap up to my gap year and I am happy to share the answers with you.

First off, my favorite three things during this gap year. Seeing as I am still working on my gap year, I will go for my three top experiences thus far. Number one is probity getting to see two nights of life changing northern lights in Churchill Manitoba. These nights were truly amazing and changed some ways I see the world. Before this I did not truly understand the beauty of the world and I think getting the chance to stand under that natural special was very eye opining. My second favorite time during my gap year was the time I got to spend with the other volunteers at the Northern study center. All the time I had spend with them was so much fun, all their different backgrounds and opinions created a very new experience for me that I feel was truly life changing. The last thing happened recently where I am volunteering right now. A calf was rejected by its mom. Jack the person running the farm then took it in and I am getting the wonderful chance to assist in the care of this wonderful calf. Getting the chance not only to see but interact with a calf has been and is proving to be a very challenging and enjoyable experience.

The most challenging part of my gap year by far has been adjusting to the current world problems and having to cancel or reschedule much of my gap year because of them. Over all this has been a challenge that everyone has had to face and I am lucky to have been in a position to avoid most of the problems but it was still a challenge reworking my gap year to fit this new world order. And piggy backing off this topic onto the next question about how my expectations for collage have changed. Before all of this I expected a very normal collage experience of going to lectures and doing work at home. But now I am expecting a very much more online oriented education because most classes are going to be online.

And bringing this to a close my goals for my time at FSU. Well the most major one is to graduate with a four-year degree. But some other ones are to be able to work with the innovation hub as well as share my experience through the gap year program to help other incoming students decide if they are interested in taking a gap year like I decided to do. This as well as handle my school and life balance witch I think will be a little hard to do with the current focus on online education.

Overall, I am looking forward to starting to take classes at FSU even if they are going to be online it will still be nice to get back into the swing of education with all the lessons and great experiences that my gap year has afforded me.

