Feeling NYC

Emma Jo McAuliffe
FSU Gap Year Fellows
3 min readFeb 14, 2017

There is a moment that seems to happen in every movie or tv show that takes place in New York City. A character walks out of a building, and just pauses for a moment, in awe and appreciation of the city. They take a deep breath in, and head off with an empowered stride. I have that moment every single time I leave a building in New York City. I feel so overwhelmed with the possibilities this city brings. I love the energy here. I feel it every where I go, whether its on a crowded subway where people read books or walking down the street where people run by, their black trench coats flailing, late for a meeting. There is this constant vibe of ambition that all people share no matter who they are and what they do.

When something you want feels elitist, and unattainable, its easy to feel like giving up on that dream. New York City gave me a window into a world I have always admired from afar. Being here for the past few months has shown me there are a million jobs in the fashion industry I never knew existed. I have talked fashion non-stop to my teachers, peers, my family, and even random people on the street. I have sewn clothes and designed garments and now I see fashion in a whole new light. There is something about walking into a class room and being really excited for what you will learn that day. There is something magical and uplifting to be surrounded by those with a similar passion and a drive to make their dream happen. I feel included and welcome. I feel talented. I feel like I can conquer the world along side all the other amazing future business women. New York is one of the fashion capitals of the world, and I have the honor of being here during fashion week. I have been enlightened by people walking down the street in rainbow fur coats and by talking to strangers about what they’re wearing. Every thing is fast, fashionable, and driven. Being able to surround myself with what I love and feel so passionate about has made me feel constantly happy, even when I get stuck or don’t understand the lesson right away. I get to live every day doing nothing except for what I love. It is encouraging and enlightening.

This city also gives off another vibe, inclusion. There are people of all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientation. When I came to New York I wasn’t expecting it to be as diverse as it is, and I wasn’t expecting it to make such a positive impact on me. I feel extremely included here, knowing I can wear anything and go anywhere and do anything with out being judged. I hear ten different languages a day, I see men holding hands and no one giving them a second glance, I see hijab’s and turbans and fedoras and yamaka’s and beanies. Being able to feel this diversity so widely accepted has given me hope, and made me feel more confident about being able to have a successful career. Being here in New York has calmed my nerves and made me feel stronger than ever, because at the end of the day, this is America. It is a melting pot of all types of people fighting for what they want and deserve, and that will never change.



Emma Jo McAuliffe
FSU Gap Year Fellows

I am currently in the midst of a gap year before I begin my next four year journey at Florida State University.