Gap Year Blog #2

Jackson Sides
FSU Gap Year Fellows
2 min readAug 14, 2018

Over the last few months, something I have thought about a lot is what I want to accomplish this year. After much deliberation, I chose my three most important goals, and here they are!

1. Grow in independence

One of the things that scared me about taking a gap year was doing something different and being independent. Next year, I will very much be on my own. I’m the only person I know taking a gap year besides the fellows at Florida State, so I’ll be alone on this journey ahead. I think it’s going to be very beneficial for me to have a year on my own in a big city. This year will prepare me for college, where I will also be completely responsible for myself. I’m going to be on my own, make my own decisions, and try new things, which will make me grow into a more independent, responsible person after my gap year.

2. Meet new people

As I talked about in my last blog, I want to learn about other people and make a ton of lasting friendships. One of my favorite things to do is learn about other people, their stories, backgrounds, beliefs, and everything else. Throughout this next year, I will make friends from all different parts of the world, and I can’t wait for that. I hope to develop friends that I will keep up with my whole life. The way I will accomplish this goal is by joining different service groups, social organizations, and meeting locals.

3. Time to think and find my purpose

One of the things I look forward to most is the time I will get to think, reflect, and find my purpose. Through the last four years, there has been no looking back. I’ve been flying through high school and haven’t had a lot of time to reflect on my past and look towards the future. This year, I’ll get to try new things and see what I really want for myself before I go to college. This reflection will help me find my purpose. This gap between high school and college provides me the ability to think about the reason I’m here and what I’m going to do. Without a gap year, none of this would be possible for me.

I know that throughout this year I will keep forming new goals that I don’t even realize are possibilities right now. I can’t wait to start this amazing year I’m able to have!

