Gap Year Blog #6

Jackson Sides
FSU Gap Year Fellows
2 min readJan 25, 2019

Before I started this year, I didn’t think that I would change at all. Looking back at the last few months and all the ways I have changed, boy was I wrong. I had always figured I was relatively mature and was comfortable myself, so why would things change? Then, in my first week away, I realize I had a lot to learn in the next year, all for the better.

The last few months I have learned more about the myself than I ever thought I would. I can sort of function as a responsible human, I can cook more than just scrambled eggs and ramen, and I hold myself in a different way and to different standards than I did before. I’m more confident in who I am, what I’m here to do, and why I do what I do and believe what I believe. I’m also a lot more flexible and adventurous than I used to be. I was the guy who saw the itinerary and stuck to it. In my opinion, that’s no way to live. You miss so many different opportunities and a lot of fun if you stick to the path everyone has gone down. Overall, I view myself as a more confident, understanding, and stronger person than I was in high school.

Also, my worldview has changed a lot since last May. Most of all, I realize that I don’t live for me. I used to be a lot more selfish than I used to be. I’ve discovered the freeing feeling you get when you put others before yourself and live to help others. I have become a more understanding person, too. I see parts of people’s story that I never looked at or considered before, which has helped me grow in understanding others. All in all, I have changed a lot over the last few months, and I can’t wait to see what else will be revealed to me about myself and this world in the coming part of my gap year.

