My Gap Year

Steve Lowmiller
FSU Gap Year Fellows
1 min readNov 1, 2016

Hi my name is Stephen Lowmiller. I am eighteen years old, I live in Niceville, Florida. I am currently taking the one semester EMT course at Northwest Florida State College while also working. Starting in 2017, I plan on working as an EMT in the ER as an ER tech. My planned major at FSU is nursing and then PA school, so my goal is to shadow, watch and learn from the ER nurses and doctors during my time working there. On June 2, I will leave for Nairobi, Kenya with a small group from my old high school. We will be staying at a orphanage just outside the city, ministering to the kids that stay there and also doing mission work inside poorly funded schools in the city. I will also be shadowing an African doctor who works in the city. I decided to do a gap year mainly to earn experience in my career field, but also to work and save money to pay for my degree. I am really grateful and exited for the opportunity to prepare for my career and also learn from patient care overseas!

