
Ayanna Chukes
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2019

I feel like this article will be short sweet and to the point, especially for a third-week post. For the most part-time management has been my main priority, since I often get so lost in what I’m focusing on. When I’m working on something that I’m struggling with I’m often too involved with trying to figure everything out that I forget that there’s another assignment that’s way easier and is due earlier than the assignment I’m struggling with.

However, I’ve been working on prioritizing better and not putting so much pressure on myself about everything being perfect or the way I would like it to be.

My other challenge has been communicating effectively. I’ll start out with having everything I want to say planned out in my head, but as soon as I know its time for me to say something my perfectly planned script in my head is completely thrown out the window and everything I wanted to say comes out botched. So it sounds like babbling like someone that doesn’t know what they’re talking about or just an all-around confusing statement that I end up having to explain more than I would have liked to.

Communication remains to be a challenge for me because my nerves get the best of me even though it's so easy to speak, being able to coherently with all the correct verbiage seems to be a whole other ball-game that I was too afraid to practice when I was younger. Yet, I refuse to let this be an ongoing problem that will define my future.

