First Impressions at 500 Startups Miami

Ashley Rosado
FSU Tech Fellows
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2019

Monday was my first day as a fellow at 500 startups; a venture capital firm that invests in talented entrepreneurs so they can scale their companies globally. 500 startups has many locations around the world but I will be spending the summer in the heart of Downtown Miami. The space is large, colorful, and perfect for co-working and cultivating community.

The 500 startups Miami team is only comprised of three people, and I was welcomed with open arms. By 10am, I was already able to sit in my first meeting! As a hands-on learner, I learn and perform a lot better when things move quickly and I can pick it up as I go. This fast-paced environment is perfect for that; there is no micro-managing and I was given a lot of creative freedom with my tasks. They tell me what they want the end result to be and I am able to create whatever I want to reach that goal, with their support and feedback.

Although I had a good understanding of 500 Startups Miami before I arrived, I wasn’t able to fully grasp all that they do. Hearing different languages being spoken and events being planned in countries like Saudi Arabia and Mexico, I realized just how much of a global impact this company has. They were founded in 2010 (the Miami location only opened last year!), but they have supported over 2,200 companies across the span of 74 countries. I’ve spent the past few days learning about all of the programs they have to offer, their network, and the companies they support. It’s been incredibly inspiring and I’m grateful to be surrounded by such innovative, passionate, and creative people.

I have been working on an email marketing campaign for their hallmark growth program so that we can get a record number of high-growth tech startups to apply. Some of my other responsibilities include researching investors and companies, creating and managing databases, designing a marketing kit and eventually helping with the logistics of our two upcoming bootcamps. I am especially looking forward to these bootcamps because founders from all over the world come and it is an incredible opportunity to be immersed in the tech startup world and network. One of the bootcamps is specifically for female founders, which is important for increasing diversity and access in this industry. My tech fellows research project is specifically on Latinas, so the gendered experience is important to me.

Overall, week one has been great, but challenging, and I’m am thrilled for what the rest of the summer has in store.

