
Communication Is Key

Lavonda Dean
FSU Tech Fellows
2 min readJun 14, 2019


During these past few weeks, I’ve been given opportunities to grow on both a personalized individual level as well as growing as a community within StarterStudio. With every new task and objective, new partners and personalities, and new information comes room for errors and mistakes, but if viewed in the right perspective these too can provide an opening for growth.

The Key To Open Doors

As mentioned in a previous story, my communication skills weren’t being reflected inside the incubator. I intend to leave a great impression on everyone within the space by working hard so that I will surely be missed. Because of this, I became too focused on getting my work done and not giving much attention or input to floating conversations. As we all know, communication is key so this approach wouldn’t be the one that keeps me in memory.

The Power of Communication

I’ve learned that in order to make a long lasting impression, I would also have to form meaningful relationships with those around me. I once believed that office chit chat was basically for those who did not value getting the job done. Now I realize that within this space is where we spend most of our time and so it would be wise to really get to know who is in our community. I have become more engaged with whatever hot topic is buzzing in the workplace and while doing so I’ve noticed the time flying as we tackle our assignments for the day, openly and freely conversing with each other.

Communication Is Key

I have never considered myself a shy individual, but I am glad to see that I can be loquacious and productive, making connections with people who hold similar views for their passions and future, all at once in a welcoming environment.

